We’re All off to Sunny…
Day 1: 20th March, Monday
It’s been a long time coming… but we needed this so much…
Waking up at about six in the morning and slowly got ourselves ready for the day. We had already started packing everything we needed the day before. We only had to finish a few more things. Then we were ready to go. It was time for a new holiday away.
We headed to the bus stop. When the bus turned up, we made our way to the train station.
I am an idiot. After I had given the wife her train card. I put mine in my pocket. When I found we had gone to the wrong platform, rushing back to get on the train we needed. I realised I had lost my ticket. I wasn’t worried, but the inconvenience was annoying. It took about three hours to complete our journey to our final destination.

Walton on the Naze is now our location.

We Have Arrived
This is our home for the next few nights. This is the Regency House. A Bed & Breakfast neatly set on the seafront.
The owner greeted us at the door. He wasn’t in the best shape as he recently had surgery on his back. We also got to meet his dog, Bluey. Looks like a cross between a basset hound and an old English sheepdog. Even being four years old he has the characteristics of an old dog. After a brief introduction. Alan, our host, showed us to our room. He did this with the help of the Stanner stair lift, taking the wife’s suitcase upstairs.
Our room was on the top floor. Being an older building, the staircase is narrow.
Entering the room, we found this:

I liked it. The room may have been small and compact, but it was just right. Everything is in its place. Our room was back facing so our view wasn’t that great. The ensuite was pretty much a box placed inside a bigger one. As long as there is room for me to do what I need to do I am happy.
Nice Little Fridge… Let’s Fill It
We got ourselves settled. After a while, we decided to have a walk around the area and get some provisions for the room. Seeing, as we had a little fridge in there we thought it would be a good idea to get some drinks to fill it with.
We found the local Tescos and bought some drinks. Returning, we filled the fridge and then decided to pop out one more time, to get some pizza. The pizza wasn’t that great. I bought a meat feast, but it didn’t really taste much of anything. The wife seemed to have enjoyed hers, though.
And this is where we stayed. Star Trek: TNG, ENT, and VOY were playing on the tele, so we watched them until the wife was ready to go to bed. I decided I would get a start on this blog.
I was having problems with my travel laptop. It’s mainly cause it’s old and slow. The processor isn’t that powerful. But it will eventually do the job I need it to do. I decided to give my windows tablet a try. All I did was update one little thing, and now it’s packed up. I will probably have to reinstall windows again. This tablet is turning into the biggest waste of money. So back to old faithful. And here we are.