The Book Report Episode #3

Episode #2

Self-help books are a multi-billion pounds/ dollar (add your currency here) industry. But are they any good?

Like with most things I see nowadays. It started by watching a YouTube video. Well, truthfully, I watched several. Videos recommending books, and this one kept on popping up. So after a while, I thought, what the hell and downloaded the ebook.

The Pitch

Are you stuck in a rut? Wanting to make some changes in your life but think: Yeah, I’ll do it tomorrow or next week. Then this book may help you with that kick up the arse you may need.

Atomic Habits is a Self-help book that recommends changing little, tiny things in your life. But those things have to benefit you in the long run. Something that you can stick to and not easily forget. And after that, you continue with more little changes that you can keep up. Until you’ve got to a point where your life is completely changed for the better.

What Did I Think?

At the beginning of reading this book, I had no expectations. My mind was an open sieve. And from my experience. I had a basic idea of how the selling of this story was going to happen:

My life was such and such. I was in a deep hole with no way out. I struggled until I came up with this solution. Because of this solution. I will charge X amount for me to retell this story. Over and over again. Why aren’t you rich yet? I am. Only you can do this with my subscription fee.

And it pretty much is that. But it’s all contained within one book. And that’s all you need. The website allows access to some worksheets. But only when you have bought the book. But I am not sure you need them. Plus, you can hire James to speak at your seminar.


As I read the book, I couldn’t help but shake my head. Everybody knows this stuff. Consciously or subconsciously. We all know this basic stuff. But someone had to spell it out to make myself and everyone else understand that. After all the videos I watched. With a basic understanding of what to expect from this book. I had read the first part. I read the tragedy that took him away from his baseball career. Then he started repeating himself. But it was after that I was then kicked up the arse.

Do you leave things off? Have things or ideas of what you want to do to help change parts of your life? But. You are then forever stuck in the planning phase. That was me. Or it is still me. I am not entirely out of the box. But I was shocked that I was jumped into action about it. And I am a lot better off because of it.

All it took was having someone. Simply. Spell it out to you. That is all someone needs sometimes.

I have made some changes in my life. And it is due to the kick up the arse this book made me aware of. So thank you. Thank you, Mr James Clear.

Do I Recommend?

Yes, that is the simple answer. This book isn’t for everyone. This is not for people who have their stuff together. But those that don’t… The book will help to no end. Maybe an annual type of read book. A general, annual. Kick up the arse that everyone needs once in a while. I know I do.

But if you are not invested, one tiny little bit. This whole process is entirely useless. So before you start, you have to be ready. In yourself. To start this journey at a sort of non-addicted rock bottom.

Would you like to purchase your very own copy? Try these shops: Amazon UK USAWaterstones. AbeBooks UK USA. eBay UK USA. Or maybe your local bookshop. Or maybe try your local library.

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