We’re All Off To Sunny Walton…
Day 2: 21st March, Tuesday
Waking up was a little weird this morning. I had to work out where I was. Expecting to be in my bedroom at home, took me less than a second to work that out, and then I was back in Walton on the Naze. Just goes to show you how screwed up my head has been and how much I needed to get away.
It was just after six in the morning, and we had to wait for breakfast, as it was going to be another two and a half hours. We got ourselves ready for the day and dealt with things we had to do.
Breakfast Time
We made our way down and found our table by the window. The breakfast room we were in was nice, filled with some weird and wonderful features of paintings and ornaments.

The breakfast was very good.
We stuffed our bellies full of cereal and then a fry-up. The wife was worried she would have to be rolled to our next location. But I do think they gave me a Quorn sausage and the immortal sin… smoked bacon. How dare they?
PSA: Just to let you know, Quorn sausages are okay hot. But never eat them cold. Well, you could if you like eating cold wet cardboard.
Just Before We Go
We headed back upstairs and met the lady of the house. Who was happy to help us with some extra things for our room.
We collected our things to go out with only to find out that the wife had forgotten her SD card for her camera. The problem was, I was pretty sure there wouldn’t be anyone local who would sell them. And I was right. We first ask the lady of the house. She didn’t know what an sd card was. We had the same reaction from some of the people we asked who worked or owned shops in the little town area. Only a couple of people knew and one pointed us to a shopping centre just outside Walton on the Naze.
After looking and talking to various people, we found a local gift shop so I could add a keyring to my bag and a magnet for the fridge.

The Naze Tower
The naze tower was about a mile or so up the road. And unlike St. Ives, our last holiday. It wasn’t all down or uphill. So we walked. The wife wasn’t happy when we were about two-thirds there. But in the end, we made it to our destination.

It didn’t go to plan. The plan was to visit the site maybe go up the tower and take some pictures from the rooftop and then get some souvenirs. I was thinking they may have a keyring model of the tower. Alas, no. The only thing we did was take some pictures.
The Naze tower was closed to the public, and it wasn’t due to open until the 31st March. I have never been that early before. The wife was still not happy about not having an sd card. So she bought herself a little box of fossils.
The Bus Journey
This was probably the best part of the day. Well, not the first part. Well, I’ll get to it.
Anyway. I needed to get the wife an sd card. So I decided to take one of the lady’s advice and go to the Triangle shopping centre. We found a bus stop. A little bit of advice. The timetables you see on the bus stops. Ignore them. The buses turn up if they feel like it. We ended up walking for a while until we saw the bus coming the other way. Then we walked to the nearest bus stop.

The Triangle
The Shopping centre is a few shops next to a Coop in the rough shape of a square, an open-air shopping centre with no roof, with a few shops with metal canopies.
We found the electronics store and thankfully, they had some sd cards. I bought the cheapest one they had. And while I was there, I bought the cheapest memory stick they had. The sd card was actually a 32GB micro sd card with an adapter, and the memory stick was 16GB. The reason I brought the memory stick was so I could reinstall Windows on the tablet. This is how I am writing this now.
My travel laptop is getting old. The processor can’t handle what I need it to do all of the time. It’s getting slow. It is a shame that I can’t upgrade the processor. I really love this laptop.
We finished up by getting some reduced-priced hot food from Coop, then headed for the bus stop.
Going Back
Now here’s the thing. When you generally get on a bus, get to your destination. To go home, you go on the opposite side. This place is a little different, and I didn’t realise this until we got on the bus, thinking we were going back to Walton on the Naze. But ended up taking the route going all the way to Clacton. Which is in the opposite direction. Coming back we find out that the bus stop we were supposed to go to was the bus we got off of to go to the Triangle shopping centre in the first place. So that was fun.
We spent about forty-five minutes going back and forth to Clacton. Which included being kicked off the bus to get a new one. As the engineers wanted the bus back.
I generally don’t leave the area I visit, when I go on holiday, and I will try to stick to that rule in the future.
But at least we have a new friend