The Sunflowers!

The World of Hidden Disabilities

In the world we live in today. It’s even more important that we understand that, even though we all do deep down inside or some not so much. You aren’t the most important person in the world. Having a little empathy for your fellow humans goes along way to help your own and others mental health. Or some basic understanding of the world of hidden disabilities.

With the increased activity in this wonderful year that is 2020. Mental illness has been on the increase and at the moment showing no signs of depleting any time soon. But Mental illness isn’t the only thing that is hidden. There are whole series of other problems that people have, that you would never notice or believe exist. That your friends, family, neighbours or work colleagues might never disclose. So everyone should, before shouting out and getting angry at someone. Ask yourself before hand. Could there be something else going on?

I could go on for ages, ranting things like: almost 1 in 7 of people in the UK have some sort of hidden disability. But I won’t. All I want to do is help promote a website that is doing their part in trying to help those with hidden disabilities. Also maybe encourage people to educate themselves on what is going around them.

The website in question

The first time I was aware of this site was through my wife. She has been suffering for over a year now with a mental illness and it became important when the government decided that mask were mandatory. So finding this site was helpful for her to provide herself with some security when going in to work and going about outside of work. She still gets looks and snarky remarks from people from time to time. But I tell her to Ignore them and just carry on. Mainly because these people will never understand anything but their own self importance. But I digress.

This website helps in a simple way to provide people with a symbol, a logo, a representation, something visual for other people to see why you can not do certain things. Or just to give you a little more time.

They also provide information on the meaning of the sunflowers and who can benefit. They do not provide lists of the hidden disabilities.

A quote from the site:

“There is no qualifying list of hidden disabilities. If you have a hidden disability and feel that you would benefit from wearing a Hidden Disabilities Sunflower product, please do. The Hidden Disabilities Sunflower does not entitle you to anything other than that you have a hidden disability and that you may need some assistance, help, or a little more time. It is NOT a pass to be fast-tracked nor for any other benefit.”

The first two items above are the most common items you will probably see out and about. But they also provide cards for people with diabetes, hearing loss, extreme vulnerability, visually impaired, non verbal and a couple of others.

Since returning to the site recently. I found some new items they are selling:

A badge for those who need to see you speak.

Face coverings:

The Items below I think are more for people who want to say that they are observing the social distancing rules and would like others around them to comply with their wishes.

At the end of the list I found a couple of items for others. One is for those have a toilet problems.

It also has a link to the website for the bladder and bowl community for more information on the subject. They have an app as well.

The last is for those with autism and learning difficulties, that need a minute. It’s called a Jam card.

This also has a link to a website. Where they also have more information and an app for you to download. The Jam card is mainly exclusive in northern Ireland. But maybe with a little help it can be brought over to the rest of the UK.

I am in full support of anything that may help, in any small way to provide confidence for those that need it. And hopefully more people will educate themselves and learn to understand the hidden problems in the people around them.

Below are links to there social media:





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