18 Types of Mediation for A New You

Breathe New Life Into Yourself With Mediation

Mediation may seem that it isn’t for everyone. You may feel weird even thinking about trying it out yourself. But as you get older, a simple thing like stopping for a few moments to relax and breathe for a while can help immensely. And now it’s been proven to be a major benefit to the body and mind to meditate, just for a few minutes a day.

So, I have compiled a list of different types of mediation that may help you in some way. Some of these have different ways of executing them but all have major health benefits in the long run. Maybe try one out.

The List

1, Transcendental Meditation (TM)

It was created in the 1950s by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. TM involves the use of a mantra (a word or sound you repeat to yourself) and is a form of silent, repetitive meditation. According to the yogi, the aim of this practice is to quiet the mind and transcend thought to achieve inner peace.

Mind Control

2, Mindfulness Meditation

Originating in the Buddhist tradition. Mindfulness meditation is the practice of being aware of what is happening around you, and in the world and not holding any judgment against it. This form of meditation is often practised by focusing on the breath, bodily sensations, or sounds.


3, Zen Meditation (Zazen)

Originating in Japan, Zen meditation is a form of mindfulness meditation, that is, practised while seated. It involves focusing on the breath, posture, and awareness of the present moment.

Yokoji Zen Mountain Center

4, Vipassana Meditation

Originating in India, Vipassana is a form of mindfulness meditation that closely looks at yourself by observing your own mental and emotional self-awareness. It involves paying close attention to the breath and sensations in the body, as well as reflecting on one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions.

5, Loving-Kindness Meditation

Also known as Metta meditation. Originating in the Buddhist tradition, loving-kindness meditation involves focusing on feelings of kindness and compassion towards oneself and others. It involves repeating phrases or mantras that express these feelings and growing a sense of love and well-wishing towards all beings.

Earth and Sky

6, Chakra Meditation

Originating in Hindu and Buddhist traditions, chakra meditation involves focusing on the body’s seven main chakras or energy centres. This form of meditation is intended to help balance and align the chakras, leading to a sense of physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Jason Stephenson – Sleep Meditation Music

7, Body Scan Meditation

Body scan meditation involves lying down or sitting comfortably and focusing on different parts of the body, starting from the toes and moving up to the crown of the head. The aim of this practice is to increase awareness of sensations in the body and release any physical tension.


8, Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation involves repeating a word, phrase, or sound, either out loud or silently, to help calm the mind and increase focus. This form of meditation has roots in Hinduism and Buddhism, and the mantra used can vary depending on the individual’s beliefs and preferences.

Divine Arcana Ω

9, Qi Gong Meditation

Originating in China, Qi Gong is a form of meditation that combines physical movements, breathing techniques, and visualization to balance the flow of energy in the body. This practice is used to improve physical and mental health, as well as spiritual well-being.


10, Taoist Meditation

Originating in China, Taoist meditation is a form of meditation that aims to harmonize the mind, body, and spirit. This practice may involve visualization, mantras, and physical movements, and can help to grow inner peace and spiritual insight.

George Thompson

11, Trataka Meditation

Originating from the Hindu tradition. Trataka meditation involves gazing at a single point or object, such as a candle flame or a black dot, to help calm the mind and increase focus. This form of meditation can help to improve concentration and clarity of thought.

Grow With Supreet

12, Christian Meditation

Christian meditation is a form of meditation that is based on Christian spiritual practices and beliefs. This practice may involve repeating a scripture passage or phrase, visualizing a scene from the life of Jesus, or focusing on the presence of God.


13, Shinrin-yoku (Forest Bathing) Meditation

Originating in Japan, Shinrin-yoku or Forest Bathing meditation involves spending time in nature and connecting with the natural environment through sensory awareness. This practice can help to reduce stress, improve mood, and enhance overall well-being.

Enrique Saguil, MD

14, Breath Awareness Meditation

Breath Awareness Meditation involves simply focusing on the sensation of the breath and allowing thoughts to come and go without attachment. This practice can help to calm the mind and increase mindfulness.

Kitaro Waga

15, Kundalini Meditation

Kundalini Meditation is a type of yoga-based meditation that involves awakening the energy at the base of the spine and moving it upward through the chakras. This practice can help to increase physical energy, improve mental clarity, and promote spiritual growth.


16, Nada Meditation

Nada Meditation involves listening to sounds, both external and internal, to still the mind and cultivate inner peace. This practice can help to increase focus, reduce stress, and improve sleep.


17, Visualization Meditation

Visualization Meditation involves creating mental images to achieve specific goals or to promote relaxation and inner peace. Also, this practice can help to increase motivation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.

New Horizon – Meditation & Sleep Stories

18, Tonglen Meditation

Tonglen is a mediation that helps with dealing with the emotional and negative feelings that you are feeling in your life and the world. The technique involves breathing in all the bad things and breathing out happiness, compassion, and good well-being for yourself and those around you. Which, over time, will help you deal with those problems better.


We have finally reached the end of this list. I hope you found something that will help with your journey of you. Don’t worry if you are still unsure. Have a go at least one of them and if not to your liking try something else. There is always something for you to try and learn. So, keep going. Don’t doubt yourself.

Your new journey only starts when you are ready. Don’t give up. Good Luck. You can do it!

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