The Book Report Episode #4
Episode #3
Continuing our Google list of Best Books of all time.
Warning! Reading this book may make you see the world differently!
George Orwell’s 1984
Big Brother Is Watching You
Originally first published on 8th June 1949. 1984 is a story about total control of its citizens. Above all, bending the people’s will to their needs. As a result, they control how they breathe, how they live, and how they think.
During the Second World War. Their version of history was betrayed. Instead of Germany destroying Coventry, it was the Americans. Because of this, the country withdrew and became introverted. Constructing a world where everything is controlled and seen by the government. Nobody knows what is really going on. All life, regardless, is now governed by the will of Big Brother.
What they read. What they learn. The food they eat. Where they live. The history of the world. Who they love. What and who they hate. Everything.
Otherwise, if you don’t yield and bend the knee. They have ways of making you. Or eventually make you disappear. After all, you have your freedom. But that freedom is controlled by the Ministry.
Everyone nowadays complains about where the world is heading. But this book specifically tells you in one chapter the very plans: how to achieve complete domination of the people. That is to say, they haven’t got a clue of how bad it could get.
Winston Smith
The main character of this story is a man named Winston Smith. The whole story concentrates on him trying to find out who he is, deciding to find what he believes is independence and trying to find a way to fight against his oppressors. What he does and tries to achieve would be what we take for granted in everyday life.
Although he knows things about the past. Things that Big Brother doesn’t consent to him remembering. He still has to question if his memories are right or wrong.
But all the while, he thinks he is gaining his independence and freedom. He is nothing more than the latest toy in the eyes of the government. Allowing him to fall in love and do whatever he believes is his fight against them. Only when they are bored with it all. Forcing him, head first, back to their reality.
Live Action
If you want to watch the film version instead of reading the book. Here you go:
Furthermore, there is also another version of the film starring John Hurt as Winston Smith. But I only have the trailer.
Of course, watching the film is good. But you could listen to the audiobook. Here it is:
Do I Recommend This Book?
If you want to know what total control of the people looks like. Read this book. Even as a fantasy story, the lines are slowly closing into reality. The Characters and situations are realistic and believable. But what everyone wants is for the good guys to win. But there are no good guys anymore in this world.
After all, the good guys are the government. They decided that.
Without a doubt, I do recommend this book. I believe everyone should give this a try. Get to understand the paranoia of the outside world and this book.
As a result of reading this book, I was thinking about this story for many weeks after. Above all, the sign of a good book. A good book leaves a mark on yourself. However small. But is it the best book in the world? No. But it is close. Maybe I will change my mind in the future.
Would you like to purchase your very own copy? Try these shops: Amazon UK USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK USA. eBay UK USA. Or maybe your local bookshop. Or maybe try your local library.