All Off To Sunny Walton on the Naze

Day 5: 24th March, Friday

Today is the last day of our holiday. Tomorrow we have to go home.

We didn’t know what we were going to do today. We didn’t have anything planned. And because this is a small beach town. There are limited facilities to have something to do every day of the week for every type of tourist. We’re just going to play it by ear.

Somehow we forgot to lock our door last night, and someone’s kid looked in. Nobody wants to see me like that in the morning. Probably be scarred for life. Luckily the kid didn’t see much of anything, and the door was closed quickly.

Todays Teapot.

We are bearly moving after all that generous stuffing into our faces with cereal and a full English breakfast.

For those who were wondering, this is the menu. Sausage and Bacon can be alternated with a Veggie equivalent.

We took a walk along the beachfront. I tried out my new jacket. It is impressive how warm it is. I didn’t even need to zip it up. Nice purchase. Even if I do say so myself.

We continued on our way by taking some more photos. Afterwards, we popped in briefly at the same arcade from the day before. Realising how badly rigged the games were, we left.

Not to mention they had some weird grabbing machines. The size was probably set up so children around 3 – 4 could stand up straight next to them. Start them young, right?

Afterwards, changing direction, we headed back towards the town and kept walking until we arrived at a Church. The Church is situated just beyond the shops. You can’t miss it from one of the main streets. Just one more thing, guess what the wife found and couldn’t resist again.

Anyway the Church

All in all, it is a really nice Church. And so far, from what I can tell from what I have seen. The local community are proud of the building. Due to the way it’s maintained. Also, by the many projects that seem to be happening in the building.

I enjoy Churches for their architecture. I’m not too bothered about the history. It may sound strange. But I feel like I’m sticking my head in quickly to some medieval story and just saying hello. I am also curious and fascinated by how the town is built around the Church. How the lay on the land is set out.

By the time we finished looking around the building. It had started raining again.

The Memorial

Additionally, after investigating the Church, I noticed just further along is a memorial garden, well more like a field, but still cool. Lastly, if you move further into the corner of the site, you will shortly arrive at the main graveyard.

It had been straining to rain on and off for a while. So we slowly headed back to the B&B. Just before entering, we spent some time unwinding on one of the many benches provided by the council along the beachfront.

Back in the room, the wife had a nap, and I continued to relax by watching some YouTube videos and writing a little more of this blog. Then the rain came down. I managed to get a recording of it. I hope it comes out well.

When we were ready, later on, we went back out again. But this time, it was for getting some dinner, nipping down to the local fish ‘n’ chip shop getting back in time for the weather to open its clouds again.

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