I Love Snoring! Don’t You?

Sleeping Problems

For a long time now. I have been the reason, my wife has not had many peaceful nights of sleep. It started a very long time ago when I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is when you have trouble breathing while you sleep. To a point where you stop breathing completely and your body has to react to get you started again. Luckily I only had a mild case of it and It has passed. But I am still left with the snoring and the wife totally loves me for it.

It’s so great I even wake myself up from it sometimes.

Depending on how tired I am. Determines the strength and loudness of the snoring. I know when I have had a bad night or day of it. When I wake up, my throat is dry and sore. I have tried to sleep on my side but nothing really works. So, I thought I could use this platform to educate myself and hopefully help a few others that may benefit from it.

Learning about snoring.

I had to determine what type of snorer I am and I found these videos explaining what happens when I sleep.

Capital Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgeons
SomniShop UK
SomniShop UK
SomniShop UK

So What Type Of Snorer am I?

So, it looks like I am a tongue-based and open-mouth snorer. Due to the dryness sometimes when I wake up. So what can I do about it?

There are some options for me. I found this by chance when I was on the tube coming home from London. It’s a company called eXite OSA.


As much as I like the concept the price is out of my range. But there are alternatives:

Snoring Exercises

There are techniques to strengthen your tongue that may help:

Rehab and Revive

Fauquier ENT
Liebscher & Bracht – The Pain Specialists

Snoring Products

In my case, a Mandibular Advancement Device may help me the most.

Vik Veer – ENT Surgeon

From what I have seen. I think I will have to speak to my dentist about this and see what I can get that way. Instead of buying home products. I will write an update when this happens.

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