!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s has finally happened. My Facebook page has reached over 1000 followers. I can not believe it.
The wife told me this morning as I was working on my design uploads for my shops. I had a new design for my Facebook page and I wasn’t a hundred percent ready. I wasn’t expecting this to happen today. I knew I was close… Holy Crap. WOOOOOOOHHHHHHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
So, I have been rushing around getting everything ready as best I can. I have many ideas, that I will be bringing out at a later date. But for now a huge, humungus thank you. To everyone who has spent a little bit of their time having a gander at my wanderings.
No pressure, but I thought I would show you the designs for my merch I have created. You could have a butchers if you are interested.
These are the original designs:
This was designed for putting on items that the image bellow wouldn’t fit. This was designed by the wife for her YouTube page and I have placed it with mine. This is the original design for my Facebook page. I still like it.
Time for some of the new designs I have been working on. I will be working on some more but I want to see how these work out:
I don’t know if they are really any good. But It’s a start and I have made them available on my shops.
These shops are RedBubble, Zazzle, Society6, Spreadshirt and Cafepress.
So if you are interested, please have a look.
But apart from that I want to thank you all again for helping to reach this milestone. I didn’t know if I would ever get here. I must be doing something right. Next target 10,000.