Another Year Over

What’s Been Happening Recently? #37

It’s the end of my third year of blogging and the start of my fourth. I have been thinking alot about a blog I wrote a couple of years ago. Does the rules I wrote still stand and do I need to add more or take away any?

Rules to live by:

Number 1, Don’t be a dick. Even though some people like dick. It’s never good to be one.

This rule still stands, as it looks like, in the world we live in today. More and more seem to be coming out of the wood work. I would add…

New Rule: Number 2, Don’t be a hypocrite. Everyone will be one at some point in your life, including yourself. Acknowledge the act you are doing and don’t do or pretend the opposite just to make to yourself look good in someone else eyes or to make you feel better about yourself.

I have recently come across this, alot.

Number 3, You don’t know everything. And you never will. You will find someone in your life who thinks they know how the universe works in every detail. Trust me, they don’t. And that’s okay. When you admit that to yourself. It’s then, you can start to open your mind to unlimited knowledge. You won’t spend your time lying to yourself and others.

Again, even more relevant today. The conspiracy theorists, the Karen’s. That person you know at work or down the street. It could even be you. Be weary of what you are being told. If in doubt, find out if it’s true. Don’t just rely on everything you hear or read. Remember keep an open mind, don’t be stuck with one version in you head.

Another annoyance that should be a rule:

New Rule: Number 4, Don’t be offended for another group of people or person you are not connected to, for the sake of being offended. The woke movement is out of control. Where people are interfering with other people, races, cultures, and situations. That they have no right to interfere with. Being offended on there behalf.

Before you get on your high horse. Ask yourself: i, Are you a member of that community? ii, Are those in that community or that person, care about what’s been said or done? iii, Do you know the full situation of what is going on? In detail? If your answer is no to any of these questions. Then simple keep your mouth shut and let the appropriate people deal with it. If the person or people in those groups or communities ask for help, afterwards. Then consider helping. Not before. But still make sure you have all the details of the situation before hand.

Number 5, Don’t rely on anybody. In this world we live in, the only person you can really trust is yourself. If you have this as a starting block. Things will become alot clearer. You will have alot more control over the ways things run in your life. I know there will be a few obstacles. But knowledge is the key to everything. If you don’t know something. Find it out. Don’t put yourself in a situation were someone can crap on you and get away with it. There will always be someone who will try.

This rule is still true in the sense where you are the starting block of everything in your life. Number 5 would be stage one.

New Rule: Number 6, Stage 2. Build connections. Stick close to Number 5 but learn to expand your network of people. You don’t have to like them. But you have to allow people in who have an experience that you can benefit from. It could be anyone. The next door neighbour, your boss, work colleagues, people on the tele or internet. Any walk of life that makes you think, I would like to learn that or I could benefit from that.

Number 7,  Keep those special people close. I know it contradicts the previous statement (Number 5). But hear me out. You are going to lose a lot of friends and family along the way. Maybe due to fights, losing touch or just plain laziness. But on occasion you’ll find that special someone or someone’s who brings stability, focus, comfort and sometimes love. Even help you be a better person. And for some strange reason they want to spend their life involved in yours. In those moments keep hold. But never forget “5”.

I don’t really need to add anything.

Number 8, Just be happy in your own skin. I know you can’t fix everything that goes wrong in your life. The most important thing to start off with is to ask, ‘Am I OK?’ YOU ARE the center of your own universe. If you cannot help yourself. You can never help those around you. So deal with your problems the best way you can. First. Even if that means stopping for a while. Then you can move outward and onward.

In the currently world we live in, mental illness is on the rise and our own mind can be our own worst enemy. Getting to know yourself and understand that some things can be fixed and some cannot. Learning to live with that is the first step to recovery and moving on to a new chapter in your life. Accepting the troubles and traumas of the past will help with healing and building a stronger version of yourself to carry on. Yes, some things you will never be able to fix but understanding what, why and how things could or may have happened may unlock other solutions you hadn’t thought of before.

New Rule: Number 9, It’s okay to rest for a while. Being overworked, physically and mentally. Not resting, for as long as it takes, can lead to problems later in life. So, if you need to take a day off to do nothing. Then DO IT. If you need a week, then take it. Even if that means staying in bed longer or for the day. Taking a walk to the park. Locking yourself away in a room, at home or at a hotel. It could just be stopping for an extra five minutes. If you need it, then take it.

Remember, your body can only do so much and keeping yourself healthy will help in the long run. You are no good to anyone if overworking makes you seriously ill. So, if you have been thinking on having a holiday and have been putting it off. It’s time to think maybe that time is now. Being selfish sometimes is a good thing.

The universe as it stands, means we are all insignificant. We are blimps in the fabric of time and space. We are not that important. So, until the scientists find a way to make us immortal. Or bigger than the universe, itself. I do wish they would hurry up already. We must live our lives the best we can and enjoy the little things as well as the big. We must take care of ourselves before we can help others. Try and fulfill as many of our dreams as possible. And build a better world for the future generations to come.

Only you can make that happen.

New Rule: Number 10, Tell the truth. The world is mostly, one giant lie. Everyone trying to get one over on each other. Too worried about covering their own arses, instead of helping and fixing a simple problem. Which builds up and could end up hurting a lot of people. If the situation is not that important then why lie about it. If it is that important, then telling the truth could fix many problems that may arise.

I do try my best and follow every rule in this list. New Rule: Number 4, I have never touched. As I don’t interfere with other peoples problems unless asked. I may have some problems myself, but I do what I can to resolve them and move on. Number 10, I learned very young that people don’t like the truth. Especially when they expect you to lie. I just don’t see the point in it. Most of the things you do in life are just not worth lying about. So why do it? It can be fun for annoying the wife, when she asks stupid questions like, “Do I look fat…?” Where I do lie and tell her she does. You would think after all these years she would stop asking, well…

There are other rules for life, like worrying about everything doesn’t fix or helps anything. And treat everyone how you want to be treated. But I still believe Rule 1 should be the still be at the top of everyone’s list. Don’t be a dick.

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