My Life That Happened In… #3
Episode #2
… December 2023
It Happened Again…
This month didn’t start that well, after returning to work after a day off and stewing over some things that have happened previously at work. I had a panic attack. It was a bad one. Fair enough, not quite as bad as I had when I was on my Driving test. But it wasn’t good.
When I got to my area at work… We will have to go back a little, starting from home. I was in denial, but the wife saw I was in trouble. As I said, I ignored it and still went to work. I was breathing harder than usual, which is one of the signs. At work, I tried to get some air. I came back and started my assignment, but then it hit me.
The best way I could describe it would be you know how you feel when you are about to be sick. That urge you get when you are about to spew. Well, imagine that, but with the feeling coming from your head, your brain decides to flip over instead.
Just before heading back outside, I informed the coordinator what was happening, that I was going outdoors and would need a first aider. I got outside. Then let it happen.
After a while, I had about three to six people coming out and in to see if I was okay. Meanwhile, I was shaking and stuttering. Head exploding. The usual.
I was an idiot after I recovered. I tried to continue to work, but within less than an hour, my head went again, and I was stuck, unable to continue. So I had to go home.
It Finally Arrived
I thought this wasn’t going to arrive. I had spent a lot of money on this to update my summer armour jacket. This is what I had before:

And this is what I have upgraded to:

I am not a big fan of the bulky and restricting armour most people sell. I generally wear this under a work coat or hoodie. And I have a lot more movement when getting about.
I spent a little more than I expected, but it was worth it. The quality and build are a hell of a lot better than my previous armour. It is a bit snug if worn over a jumper. But the technology of the armour is a very much-needed upgrade. Would you like to buy this armour? Search around, as prices really do vary. There are many sellers on Aliexpress, all with different prices.
The next item on the list is some new knee pads.
Still Waiting for My Glasses
I can’t blame Specsavers for this. But again, my lenses came back they weren’t good enough. Again I let the staff at Specsavers be annoyed and pissed off for me. They have been using a contractor. To deal with specific parts they are unable to achieve in-store. So we talked it out, and I laid down some suggestions. Although they were good ideas, it wasn’t advisable.
The other problem was where the lenses would be cut to size. The tint wouldn’t appear on the lens enough to notice. So now we are changing the grade of the lens tint to level 2. So, with the fading. There should still be enough tint to get the effect I want.
Not going out
I found online various unusual bookshops I would like to visit around London. The plan was to go and see a few with the missus the next day. But my head had other plans. I can only assume I hadn’t fully recovered from my attack a few days before because it let me know by allowing me to crash.
So, I have my hat on at home and writing this instead.

See! I told you.
Oh well, there’s always next week.
I Got The Call
Monday 11th December.
I had managed to get a night’s holiday from work. So, I rested as best as I could until the following morning, when the call came from Specsavers to check out my lenses for my new glasses. I rushed to get ready and went out with my wife as she was going to work. After waiting in the rain for the bus, we made it to Lakeside.
Going into Specsavers, I was shown the lenses. Although not perfect. They were good enough to have them shaped and placed in my new glasses. It would take about forty-five minutes to create my glasses. So we said we would be back a little later.
But we had a problem. The missus started to have an anxiety attack. Sitting outside the shop, it was getting worse. So, speaking with security, we were allowed to go to a service corridor, away from the public, so she could let go. That’s when it went into full effect, and all we could do was ride it out until it was done. I popped out briefly to inform her work what was happening. Also, I purchased a Lucazade because she was about to have a massive energy drop when this was over, and she needed to keep it up for as long as possible.
And We’re Off…
It took roughly about an hour for her to be able to stand again and have the ability to walk around. We discussed what we were doing next and set off to do that. Before we left, I went back and spoke with a supervisor, informing him she was in no condition to work. He understood.
Our first stop was getting my glasses. We sat in the shop and waited for me to check them out. While she drank her drink. I was happy with the final results. Bagging them up, we left for the next stop. Food. The missus needed food to help boost herself a bit more. We headed for the food court after visiting the conveniences.
I didn’t enjoy my food. The wife enjoyed hers.
I needed to speak to someone at Vodafone about my reception, and the wife tried to look around HMV. She couldn’t do it. So, she sat in the chair next to me while I attempted to fix my problem. It didn’t work.
I thought of one more place to visit and hopefully lift her spirits and mine. We popped into Waterstones. She had been looking at a graphic novel she had seen on YouTube. They did have it but didn’t want it in the end. But we did find some other things she liked, and we both ended up with some new books.
My Selection

I am in the middle of reading three other books. But I will attack them when I am done. The cashier showed me this special edition version of the book, which has this artwork on the pages. And I could have a swap at no extra charge.

The cashier also informed me that she LOVED this book. I was a little shocked by her enthusiasm. But good for her.
I also collected my first official bookmark. So I won’t need to use receipts or pieces of paper.

The wife was a lot happier when she found these:

Animal Crossing Mangas

A Nightmare Before Christmas novel and a Studio Ghibli: Kiki’s Delivery Service Notebook
New Achievement Unlocked
I have finally managed to finish my first journal. I am very proud of myself. My new journal commenced on the 13th December and hopefully will continue for a long time.

Christmas 2023
24th December.
Not much to report for today. The usual happened. Getting home from work, and after a couple of hours, I went to bed. About five hours later, I got up and ate something. When I was ready, I headed out to my first appointment. My brother.
My brother and I had already organised what he had purchased for the missus. So they were already at home, under the Christmas tree. I had to disfigure them with packaging so the wife couldn’t work out what she had got.
Back at my brothers. As he doesn’t wrap his presents, I saw what I received straight away:

First up: Some books for myself and the wife. If you have read the Book Report. You would know I have read the first book. But I am happy to have a physical copy.

My brother outdid himself with this present. I believe this is the one I tried to buy on pre-order from Eaglemoss. I lost sixty-five quid to this. As I couldn’t get a refund and then Eaglemoss went bankrupt. It is sitting proudly on my desk.
What Did We Get Him?

Deciding to take a slightly different route. I decided to use an old mobile phone and convert it into an MP3 player. I also added a case and some additional storage. A case and a card reader. Which all went towards his main present. A set of noise-cancelling headphones. On top of that, I also included a couple of Travelers Notebooks.

I had called my sister to see if she was home so I could drop her presents off. She wasn’t home. But my nephew was.
After finishing up with my brother, I rode Tiffany over and collected and presented our presents. A quick exchange and I was off home.
What Did I Get My Sister’s Family?
They never really ask for much. So I got them what they asked for:

My sister asked for another set of Bluetooth earbuds. So I got her the same ones I have. We also got her something to do with Betty Boop, which she loves. I don’t have a photo of it.
She’s Been Drinking
Finally getting home, I brought everything in to find out the wife was a teeny bit, extra happier than usual. She had had a drink. I didn’t mind. She deserved one. It’s when she gets the wannas you have to watch out. Eventually, this happened with the presents that I had brought home. So in the end I gave in and said she could open one of my sister’s presents she had got. She received two. Only to find out a little while later she had opened both. The bitch!
So what did she get?

I was a little frustrated. But I didn’t care. She was happy. How long would that last? We will find out. We relaxed for the rest of the night.
Christmas Day
25th December.
I got up. At a semi-reasonable time, I started the day by cooking my joint for later. I wanted to have my pigs in a blanket. But I had to defrost them for twelve hours. So I decided to have them tomorrow.
Pressie Time
The missus couldn’t contain herself. So we started on presents before breakfast.

A while ago, she told me she liked the hat Wynona Rider wears in Beetlejuice. I worked out what the hat was but wasn’t sure of the size of the hat. So I thought, what the hell, and have a bit of fun, which did go over her head a little.
So what did I do? I found the hats on Aliexpress and chose the following: As I didn’t know the sizes… Well, look.
This is what I ordered:

This is what I got:

They will have to be straightened out a bit. But will she wear them? We will have to wait until much later.
To add to the hat. The missus also wanted to get a summer umbrella. So, of course, the great husband that I am searched around and found these.

The presents from my brother. She was finally able to touch and open them. The missus was a bit shocked but extremely happy. And then I told her to open the box in the bedroom. What happened was when they were ordered, they never turned up. So, I had to contact Amazon, and they sent out a new lot. Free of charge. The thing is. About a month later, the original items turned and now I, well, the missus. Bears now, in her possession, two lots of the items she had been looking forward to buying.

For The Rest
The missus said she was after a new Book of Winne the Book. So I found it as a special edition, limited numbered version and signed by the author.

Next, I found this journal set on Aliexpress by accident. The wife likes Starry Night by Van Gogh. Mainly because it was in an episode of Doctor Who. So I bought this set.

This one, the missus asked for a set of pins of Chucky and Tiffany.

The last couple of things. One I bought, the other she bought for herself.

My Turn. What Did I Get?
From my sister, my collection is getting bigger.

The wife has bought me some new clothes and a patch.

Ooh! Look! A new hat. The missus got me a new hat!

A new Terry Pratchett book.

This one did knock me for six. A new camera. A Polaroid instant camera. I will have to work out how to use this in the future.

Afterwards, we settled down for the day. We ate food and binged-watched The Santa Clauses, seasons 1 and 2.
Boxing Day
26th December
There’s not a lot here to write about. We spent the day relaxing. I cooked some food, and the missus thought it would be a good idea. To get excessively drunk. It ended with her puking in the toilet and then sleeping on the sofa for a few hours. I have no sympathy for her. It was her own fault to hit it so hard.
27th December
I awoke with the feeling of having to go back to work that night. But then there was a knock on the door. My Christmas present to myself had arrived.
I had been waiting for this to get cheaper for over a year. But it finally was as cheap as my phone was when I bought it. It is the Microsoft Surface Duo 2.
I know it’s not like the other foldable phones. And at the moment, that’s a good thing. The technology isn’t complete in my eyes. I will have to deal with a space in the middle and no front screen. But until everyone fixes these problems, I will be happy with what I have.
I will now have the enjoyment of setting up my new phone. Learning its quirky ways, and also… Looking at accessories and buying them for the phone. It won’t go into the wild until I feel it is ready.

Next Year
So. New Year’s resolutions. Mine I have decided to keep as simple as possible.
1. Improve on what I achieved in 2023. Whatever that may be.
2. Go outside more. As much as it pains me.
3. Read more books.
4. Do more things that make me happy.
5. Find ways around or break through the barriers. I allow myself to be held back from achieving things.
6. Continue to find ways to improve my mental and physical health.
We will see what happens. And to all of you who have taken the time to read this. Firstly, thank you. And second. I hope 2024 will provide you with what you need to make you happy. See you next month.