Day 6: Something Different
So, today is our wedding anniversary. Fifteen years wed and twenty years together. Today we are doing something a bit different. We are going to the cinema. We found a small cinema down the road. We are planning to go and watch a couple of films there, no walking about just sitting on our arses and relaxing as much as possible. All we need to do is turn up when it’s time.
Not much seagull activity today. They must have had a heavy night last night.
We went down for breakfast. Here’s the next teapot in the collection.

So after breakfast, back upstairs in our room, we rested a bit more until it was time to go.
The weather couldn’t decide what it wanted to do. Sometimes the sun wanted to come out, but then the rain would jump and soak everything for a little while. We walked down towards the cinema but stopped at a shop when I noticed they were selling Dr Pepper drinks from America. I do like Dr Pepper. I have a mission to try all of the 23 different flavours.

The grape-flavoured Fanta was for the wife. I bought a Vanilla, Cream Soda and a Dark Berry-flavoured Dr Peppers. I will try them out later.
We walked around the corner. We were at our destination: Merlin cinema.

We were a little early. So I bought our tickets and stood outside for a while. We looked at some clocks at the little stall outside. I ended up spending some time talking about various things with the owner.
We made our way in and bought some sweets and popcorn. The wife bought a drink from the shop next door, and we took our seats.
As we waited for the film to start, we had the chance to be entertained by the music of Disney. Also, with a moth that flew around near the projector. Next. We unwillingly were given the musical expertise of the AC unit. Extra loud. Finally, the film started.
Jurassic Park: Dominion.
This film is a nostalgia plus crossover film. It brings together new and old worlds for one last hurrah, maybe. I don’t know if they are going to continue the franchise. But they could leave it as it is. Story-wise: it’s okay. It sort of is the same story throughout each film. Should we or shouldn’t we mess with mother nature? Should big corporations/ rich scientists have control of that sort of power? And then, we continue with the progression. We created this problem. Now the world must learn to live with it even though it will cause more worldwide problems. Ho hum!
The main stories of this movie were kidnapping, fighting to get them back, and also trying to get proof to stop the potential end of the world.
There are a lot of little easter eggs. Even the creation of the logo.
I did have a problem with one of the characters: Kayla Watts played by Dewanda Wise. I don’t know why she was there. The film didn’t need her. Plus: the unnecessary line, that indicated she was a lesbian. I don’t know if this was a “woke” thing. I understand her being there, links and moves the story along a lot quicker. They could have used any of the other characters to string this along. The slightly overacting from this “strong” character, didn’t work for me.
I will have to watch this film again. I didn’t enjoy myself at the cinema. The seat was horrible. I was constantly sliding on the chair. Plus, I had little darlings behind me. I nearly walked out several times. We were supposed to stay for another film. But I couldn’t handle another two hours in those seats. I was just glad it was over.
I did laugh when the person in front of me had a scare-jump moment.
So we went back to the B&B. It was raining again as we walked. We tried the cream soda, Dr Pepper. It wasn’t to our liking.

We decided to have Chinese for dinner, picking a restaurant called Yeungs. After we had ordered, they called back. Stating it would take two hours as they were short on drivers. We sadly accepted. Seconds later, they called back. They were having a cab deliver the food. So half an hour later, it arrived, charging more than I had. I asked if they had a card machine. He didn’t want to go to his car for his card reader and accepted what I had. The driver walked away a couple of quid less than he wanted.

During this time, I finally met the lady of the house, Lindsey. We asked her for some plates. Nice lady. She gave us the plates. She told us to leave everything after we had finished. They would sort it out.
We tried the Dark Berry Dr Pepper. We did like this flavour.
The missus and I sat in the dining room and ate our dinner. The food was okay, nothing special. We both had a curry with rice, chips and some chow mein.
We spent the rest of the night relaxing until bedtime.