I Had to Isolate
So What’s Been Happening Recently? #35
So, I am nearly at the end of my ten day isolation. Even though I wasn’t happy with staying home. Scratch that. I DO love staying home but I don’t love having to do something that’s completely out of my control. And this was one of those times.
I had finished my night shift on Friday the 15th going in to the 16th. I was relaxing before going to bed where I was having my one night off. A few minutes after getting into bed, around midday. I received a text from a work colleague stating they had just had a test and suggested I get one. Oh and he tested positive for Covid.
Now, that text got to me. Generally I try to let things not get to me. But this set bells off in my head. Even though I was calm, my brain, was telling me “Ahem! Erm, maybe you should look into this!” So, I got back out of bed and started to do research on the best way to handle this. I did lie to myself a little. Telling myself I was fine and I could go back to work. Even though the information was telling me different. I convinced myself I could go back to work. So, I went back to bed.
That evening I got out of bed and the situation was still bothering me. I waited a while for the night shift to start and I contacted them through a group chat. They were no help what so ever. I asked for their advice and as soon as one of them saw the message they ran out of the chat. The others didn’t even answer. Thanks alot!
As they weren’t interested in helping me I waited until the morning to call the Covid helpline, 119. I did first contact a local G.P, that was open on a Sunday and they directed me to the helpline. I had also did a little more research before hand, as I was still battling in my head what to do. I wanted the hear from someone who knows what they are talking about and tell me what I should do. After getting through to someone. They told me that due to someone else testing positive and that I was working alongside that person I will have to isolate for ten days. As I fit the Close Contact examples of isolation:
- close face to face contact (under 1 metre) for any length of time – including talking to them or coughing on them
- being within 1 to 2 metres of each other for more than 15 minutes – including travelling in a small vehicle
- spending lots of time in your home, such as cleaning it
I fit the first two. I also ask if there was some paperwork I could send to the workplace to help me along and was directed to the .gov Isolation form. They also told me not to worry about getting a test until I started getting symptoms.
So, I filled in the form. Sent it to myself and emailed it to as many management I could at work. Informing them due to someone being tested positive and that I had taken the advice from the helpline. I would be isolating for the next ten days.
Now the fun begins… A day later one of those managers decided to try and make me feel bad to doing what I did. Telling me that I should be following social distance guidelines. Telling me I will be investigated when I return. This of course pissed me off. I returned that email stating that social distancing is near impossible in the working environment. And should be more concerned with how the person, who tested positive, got it the first place, since they got it at work. Then I went on to state that I was following the law. Stating some quotes from the government and the company policies. I also stated to them that I was not willing the endanger others and my vulnerable family members.
A day later I received another email. Which was more like a damage control message. I still will be investigated. But was then told alot of code numbers for various actions and forms that the company had to proceed with. That’s absolutely fine. But they have to remember, this was not my fault in any way. As I was following the law as best as I could.
A day later I got a message from someone at work telling me that they had to isolate as well. They were a little panicky. So I informed them of what I knew. Telling them that I went through the same things that they did and everything will be okay. All they had to do was do as they were told. They seemed okay after that.
So far so good. I haven’t had any symptoms and should be able to return on the 27th.
So. What have I been doing over the time off? Not alot really. I have been relaxing. I have been trying to finish another section of my blog series. I did write a blog about a brief introduction to a You Tuber I have been binge watching. Mr.Beast.
I also did something that alot of people did, as did we, during the first lock down. Buying furniture and reshaping the spare room for the wife. The wife has been wanting to stream online with her Animal Crossing game. Which she plays alot and really helps with her anxiety. I have done what I can to help but she has to do the work to get started.

We decided that the best way to help was to get her a desk of her own. The desk I have set up in the spare room was supposed to be there to do that. But since I have pretty much dominated the area and made it my own. It was best to help her create something for herself. This was when Ikea came into play.

We split the payment between us and bought the same desk I have, which also came with a set of draws. We also bought a book case so we could make some space and shelve some of the things that were taking up the area the desk was going to go. I gave her my old monitor that I never really used as my main computer is connected to the telly in the front room. We borrowed a laptop from the father in law, as he never uses it. This left the wife to buy little bits and pieces to help get set up. She’s waiting for pay day so she can buy her chair.
The night before the delivery, I went to bed early as I was really tired. The wife came later. We knew the delivery was coming between seven and nine in the morning, on a Sunday no less. So I woke up during the early morning and reach over. There was no one there. I knew straight away why. It was my fault, again. Apparently, I snore. Really bad. Even worse when I am tired. Because of this the wife cannot sleep, so this time around she had got out of bed. I got up and went to see where she went. She was in the front room watching one of her Animal Crossing streams and in alot of pain. She had her hot water bottle against her stomach and wasn’t happy. I told her to go to bed and I would stay up and let her sleep. This was about five in the morning. So, I stayed up and waited for the delivery. About just after half six, I decided to have a wash. During brushing my teeth, I just about heard the phone go and missed it by a few seconds. The phone is connected to the front door. Looking out of the window I saw them outside I waved at one and then rushed in to the bedroom and grabbed some clothes. At the same time waking the wife up when I, yes the idiot, put the lights and and didn’t turn them off when rushing to the front entrance to let in the delivery people. Once inside they had forgotten the legs of the table and they went to get them. They left and it was six forty-five in the bloody morning. I know they wanted to get things done but, really?
Oh well, it was done. The wife came out and had another moan at me. I said I was sorry and put her back to bed and promised to not get started building until she got up.
I think the build went okay, we had to change the position of the desk so we had access to the window. But it’s a start, we are getting there.