WOOHOOO! Christmas 2020! Pt3

So What’s Been Happening Recently? #34

25th December: Christmas Day

Waking up again really early. About half four. I got up and went checked on the laptop. I am not pleased, the reset didn’t take so I am reduced to going to old faithful. The Erase Disc. This disc is used to wipe the hard drive so much that it can turn it into a, more or less, brand new hard drive again. It’s generally used for security, getting rid of data before reuse or being destroyed.

I left that to run, it would take a while. I decided to finish the blog from yesterday and start this one. I haven’t told her yet about the jumper I got for today, have a look. Do you like?

I chatted with someone on messenger and sent a message out to everyone on Facebook, wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.

So, around six thirty I decided to put my “sexy” new jumper on and started cooking my gammon joint. I hadn’t realised how big the joint was. It’s going to last a few days. I’ll have to manage somehow, the agony! It’s going to take a couple of hours to cook and hopefully should be done by the time the wife wakes up. I am doing this now due to the wife not liking the smell of meat. So, the sooner I get it done the quicker the smells leave. She’ll be cooking her Quorn roast later.

No such luck. The wife wakes about ten to nine and asks what the smell is, then realising I was cooking my joint. Also, she is wondering what I am wearing. She is still half asleep and has to focus as I explain. She is VERY happy with the jumper.

I checked on the laptop and installed one of my old Windows 7 OS discs And let that run. The wife asks do I want to open the presents now or later after breakfast. Code for: I want to open my presents NOW! So that’s what we did.

So where to start:

The father in law gave me some money to buy something for myself. I bought a couple of things with the money. The first thing was Hardback copy Of Jordan Peterson’s book 12 Rules for life. I have been a little hooked on this bloke. A physiologist and lecturer who has a no nonsense notion to life, common sense, things you should already know but may need a reminder. At the time of writing this, I am waiting for it to be delivered.

The next thing I purchased was something I have been wanting to buy for myself for a while. The Newsroom Blu ray Box set. Just to let you know. The price of this has gone up since I bought this.

My Brother had given me a box set I was looking at in the past and had forgotten about. Knight Rider: the complete series. Plus a bundle of blu rays and DVDs.

My sister has, over the years, been helping me with my Volbeat collection. So, she purchased this for me:

The wife bought me a wallet. But not just any wallet. Oh no! A Death Note wallet.

She was concerned. As I had bought this little beauty recently. But I assured her that I was going to buy another anyway as my driving licence wallet was falling apart. She had done me a massive favour.

Something I was not expecting. But happy I got it. Was a pair of motorcycle jeans. These jeans are alot stronger than your average pair. They have Teflon inside to protect me in case I fall of my bike with some added padding to insert.

Now this present is something I have been after for a few years. But it has always been a little too expensive to buy, but I was determined to get it this year. Sadly, when I went to buy it, the price had been reduced and sold out, before I had a chance. My wife managed to get it for me. I am of course, talking about the great Star Trek Christmas jumper. Make it snow!

Lastly I was given some DVDs and a Bluray.

I had to give the wife some bad news with this one. It isn’t a major thing but I already had a copy Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey. But I was glad I now had the other. Anything by Kevin Smith is always welcome as I have been a fan since his first movies in the 90’s. Also his talks, and yes, the man can talk, are always enjoyable.

I did really well this year for the missus. Enough to get some, get out of the dog house credits. I bought her a couple of soundtracks, Special editions, from the original Child’s Play Movie and the “rebooted movie”. I even threw in a Labyrinth soundtrack as well.

She fell in love with the Yoda Funko Pop I got her. I have another Pop coming but it hasn’t arrived yet. I won’t say anymore as she will probably be reading this.

I also bought her a Child’s play hoodie and some Studio Ghibli: Kiki’s Delivery service goodies as well. I wasn’t 100 percent happy with she got, but the wife seems to like them.

After This we set about to relaxing. I would check on the laptop every now and then. I still wasn’t happy with the way it was, but I kept going. I snacked on some Christmas cake slices and we sat down to watch The Christmas Chronicles 2. The first movie was better. Even though it’s a family movie this time around it was aimed more for the kids.

We continued this with some episodes of Forged in Fire. The wife loves this show for the innuendos, they are everywhere. I hadn’t noticed until she started pointing them out. They recently changed the main host, Wil Willis. The new bloke, Grady Powell seems nice enough. But is just not the same.


I don’t know what happened during the day but we both became absolutely nakered. Maybe the days had finally caught up with us. We hadn’t even done anything. So we took that as our cue to not to do anymore. We had our roast dinner, later on and enjoyed doing nothing. I managed to get my second wind later on that evening and tried again with the laptop. I still wasn’t happy. I know it’s an old computer but nothing felt right. I looked through my stuff and found a better version of Windows 7 and before I went to bed I left it in the computer to install itself.

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