WOOHOOO! Christmas 2020!
So What’s Been Happening Recently? #32
So another year is nearly over and nothing has improved with someone in the government screwing the public in some way. Lock downs. Restrictions. Enforcing unlawful laws and panic buying everywhere. Schools not sure to be open or not. People dying alone. Job loses. People missing out on vital medical treatment. Nobody allowed to visit friends and family… So how have you been?
Yes, I know it’s needed. But things could have been handled a lot better.
For me not much has changed in my life. I still have to go to work, while the missus is at home, again. I have had to add a mask to my going out life but nothing has really been different. As I prefer to stay at home then venture out to where other humans are.
23rd December
For the first time since I started my job, sixteen years ago. I actually got four days off for Christmas. So the first day of rest started with me going around to my brothers home and dropping off his presents, straight after work at six in the morning. And as a added bonus. It’s was pissing down with rain, so I was drenched, riding my motorcycle over to his place.
After exchanging gifts I showed him my extra presents. I had been in the idea, after watching some YouTube videos, that I could have a go at fixing broken consoles and other things. So in my bag I had a Nintendo DS, DS lite and some DSi. Which I had purchased from Japan. And spent alot of time, working through a middle company to get them imported to me. Which in hind sight, I wish I didn’t bother.
DS DS Lite DSi
How it works is you sign up to a website and join Japans version of E-bay and try to buy what you want. When you win you pay for the item and for it to be transferred to a warehouse. Which is how far you would get in a normal purchase. From here you then pay the bank fees, percent purchase fees and finally the postage to sent it to your country and then customs. So I ended up spending an extra £150 in fees and such to get it home. On top of that they don’t like sending batteries. So, they took them out and then I had to fork out for new batteries when they arrived. Which was nice!
Then after that, I found out the Nintendo DSI is region locked. So I couldn’t changed them to English. Great job me!
Ipod classic Mini Ipod Touch 2nd Gen Ipod Classics
I also bought a load of Ipod classics, touches and minis. And had a go at fixing them as well. I think I did generally okay. I did purchase a Dictaphone but lost my way when too many parts came apart and I forgot how to put it back together again. So that’s now in a bag, in pieces, in my draw.
I let my brother pick what he wanted and went home to change, as I smelt like wet dog.
After getting home and changing I had to fill my bike up again with more presents and head back out to my sister. The same process of catching up and exchanging presents. I had also purchased DS cartridges with 208 and 500 games in 1. I also bought some charging cables and USB wall plugs for the mp3 players and consoles. The only thing I didn’t get was headphones.
Because I am a wonderful brother. They said that they were having problems with there laptop so as I am writing this I am currently have their laptop next to me, trying to fix it. I’m the best, I know.
Finally got home and managed to rest for a while before bed. The wife had been getting ready to go out to crematorium to put some flowers down for her family, along with her dad. As my other brother was working. The wife suggested I contact him and see if she could drop of his stuff . Which was okay with him and loved the extra selections I gave.
So, there I was, at home alone, relaxing. Letting myself tire down and resting my knee as I had overworked it during the night, working and eventually went to bed. Could I sleep? Like hell I could. In the end I think I managed maybe about just over an hours kip before having to get up again at five to go out again for a chippy supper.
The father in law turned up and we jumped in the van. He was bringing along one of he’s elderly friends that he was looking after. Sometimes I wonder how he does it. The man will not stop. He’s in his seventies, has half a lung missing, Gout, Diabetes, heart condition, in a wheel chair. And has found out recently that he has prostate cancer and that it has taken over his body. But luckily it’s manageable with an injection every now and then. He has an elderly friend, that he adopted. He hangs around with him and they help each other out. He has all this and runs a volunteer ambulance service for whoever needs it. He is in constant pain, but never lets it get to him. He still feels after all that that he hasn’t done enough. The bloke deserves a medal. In his free time he goes caravaning around Europe. He loves to drive. I think this is what keeps him going.
The chippy we went to was in Southend called The Perfect Plaice. The people inside are friendly and have known the father in law for years.

After a chat, we collected our order and drove to an isolated area by the sea. This spot was chosen as it had a disabled toilet, for just in case. We set up a table inside the van and ate our dinner. I had a few moments before and after to have walk around the small dock and beach area and enjoyed the views. Even though I couldn’t see very much.
The weather was nice, not that cold. It must have been good. We saw someone appear, who seemed to have been swimming in the sea. When we has finished with everything, we packed up and made our way home.
Finally able to relax again at home I managed to make it to about half ten before I had to go to bed.