The Book Report Episode #31
Episode #30
Gallant By V. E. Schwab

The Book
This is another and the last book from my adventure from July 2023.
First published in March 2022 by Titan Books. According to my copy, there are ten versions made for various bookshops. I, of course, have the forbidden planet copy. Also, I am lucky to have purchased a signed copy.
The book has 310 pages, including acknowledgments. The book art is amazing. The artists deserve some credit. The book cover art was created by Julia Lloyd of Titan Press and the interior illustrations by Manuel Sumberac.
Below is some of the artwork from the book:

What Did I Think
Olivia Prior is a young lady who has spent her life wondering what happened to her parents and why she ended up spending her young life at Merilance School for Girls. Olivia has a couple of other things going for her. She’s mute and can see Ghouls. Well, ghosts. But that’s what she calls them.
She also seems to be fearless and can do as she pretty much pleases.
The only connection that she has to her mother is her journal which she regularly reads.
This all changes one day when a letter arrives telling her of an uncle who has spent years searching for and wants her to come home and be with her family.
A car arrives to take her to her family home. Only the reception she received was the greatest. They didn’t know she was coming.
After some fuss was made. And a little persuasion from the help. Her cousin eventually allows her to stay.
The story continues with her finding out about the family curse and where she fits into everything. The experience of knowing who her family are. And what they have sacrificed to keep the world safe. Also getting to know the ghouls that reside in the homestead.
This story reminds me of what the old films, Hammer Horror would produce. As much as I enjoy watching them there was also something missing. They have everything going for it but that one little thing I just can not put my finger on.
It’s the same with this book. I just don’t know what is. But I did enjoy the adventure of the story and everything it brings but that extra spark is missing.
Would I Recommend
If you enjoy creepy stories about a house and people haunted by an interdimensional creature this might be up your alley. Although it didn’t quite hit right completely for me I still would recommend this book. A gothic story with a Hammer Horror feel.
Please give it a go.

Would you like to purchase your very own copy?
You could try these online stores: Amazon UK/USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK/ USA, Barnes and Noble and eBay UK/ USA.
Alternatively, you could try your local bookshop or even your local library.