So What’s Been Happening Recently? #38
At the moment I am sitting here waiting to get an appointment so I can get an Ultra sound for the lump in my hand. I believe the lump is a Ganglion. A cyst that grows under the skin. I already have two in my right wrist. But the one on my left hand, at the base of my middle digit, irritates me when I am at work. So it needs to be checked out. I have already waited over two hours to speak to someone. First time, I got cut off after one hour waiting. The next I cut it off at fifty minutes, After watching an episode Star Trek: The Next Generation. Thinking I would be cut off again. So this time I am on my mobile in the “office” hoping I will get through at some point. I am now caller number 2 and it’s been 26 minutes already.
Oh well. So what’s been happening since Brighton. Not much really. This and that. I just felt I needed to write some things down and clear my head for a few minutes.
This year has felt weird to me. I don’t know where it has all gone. I know it’s the same old cliché. But this year seems different from the others. It’s like I have had my head in a numbing cloud and I don’t have any feelings about anything anymore. I know that’s not the way to be but sometimes you just can not do anything about it. It’s getting close to Christmas and normally this time of year I would have already been organised. Bought all of the presents. Be ready to wrap up everything, but I haven’t even started yet. It’s doesn’t feel like anywhere near Christmas yet. I don’t understand what’s going on with me.
Bloody Hell, 31 minutes in and I am speaking to someone….. Okay that is done. The person I spoke to didn’t sound well at all.
Okay, so yeah, this year has been sort of glazed over and with everything happing in the world. I feel I haven’t really been part of the human race. I have been around them: at work and out and about. But it’s like I have stepped just slightly outside of the space/ time continuum and have just been drifting there.
All in all I am okay with it all. Still a bit confused about the movement of time. But hay ho!
I am currently uploading new designs for my “Personality Types” collection. The problem with these uploads is that I create so many items that it takes forever to upload them all. This collection has sets of the three personality types: Introvert, Extrovert and Ambivert. Two designs each and then six designs each for the sixteen sub personality types. To then upload them all to seven different websites. So yeah, it’s taking awhile. If you want to have a quick butchers at what I have alot already uploaded. Check out my shops page for links to the various sites. They aren’t the greatest designs in the world. But if they help towards my end goal. I will be happy.
I have also been trying out some new ideas for my YouTube channel. Creating ambient sound videos to help people with all types of problems: Trouble sleeping, needing to relax, calm a baby, helping with Tinnitus and other problems that people may have. Here’s one of my latest videos if you are interested:
These are simple videos, I feel, can help alot with peoples mental health. And I am enjoying noticing the sounds around me everyday that I can sample and create new videos with. I also created an account on Odysee. An alternate site to YouTube. Where you are paid in Bitcoin. Just for viewing a video everyday. I am uploading the same videos as my YouTube channel and seeing what happens. If you like, would you consider subscribing and liking the videos. I feel weird asking. But to build these channels it’s the only way, I guess. I am trying to upload a small version of the video on a Monday and a much longer version on a Thursday or Friday. Well just have to see what happens.
The wife is still creating videos for her YouTube channel. For those that like Animal Crossing. She streams live videos whenever she can. Helping her relax, be creative and help with her anxiety.
So a major change recently is that we have had to get a new TV. Well we didn’t need to but we were sort of forced in to it.
Our TV got ill. On the back light part of the tele. There are LED lights that are covered by plastic caps. Two of those caps fell off and left us with what could only be explained as little suns shinning through the TV. We barely noticed the bottom one. The one above you couldn’t help but notice.

We got use to it after a while and I was going to fix it. Which would mean taking the TV apart. But the wife told her Dad about it, not asking him for anything. Just updating her home life. A couple of days later we got a phone call while the father in law was out shopping. The wife answered and started talking to her about which TV she wanted. Immediately she said ” No” to him doing this. And being the stubborn person he is. He didn’t listen. So it went on with us saying “No” and threatening to disown him. Still didn’t listen. I then tried to do some reverse psychology. Saying I would only accept the largest TV they had. Hoping he would back off.
So, now we had a 65inch TV sitting in the hallway.

I think I know why he’s doing it. I won’t go in to it. It’s a bit sensitive. So I’ll let him do what he needs to do. Even if it doesn’t feel right for us.
We now had another problem. The new TV will not be able to fit on the stand we already had.

So while we away at Brighton. On the day before we came home I ordered a stand from eBay. About a week later the stand turned up and a few days later I started to build the stand. We then had another problem. See if you can work it out.
Someone built the frame wrong. Wielding the leg bar the wrong way round. So I took these pictures above and sent them to the seller. After a few emails they decided to send me a new frame. A couple of days later our new frame arrived and after a few more days we started again.
The frame works by a counter balance system where the frame is not balanced and wants to fall backwards. The TV acts as a balance to hold it steady. Planting itself wherever it needs to be placed.
As usual the wife was freaking out about whether everything was okay and if things were going the right way. Concerned for fingerprint marks and smudges. So after some building and lifting and some f-ing and blinding. We got the TV up and to where it stands now.

We weren’t completely happy with it as it was. So we decided to lower it. Instead of taking the TV down. I nearly screwed my wrists up of holding the TV up while the wife unscrewed the screws and lowering to the lowest position possible. So this is what we are left with. Oh and because we didn’t cover the TV when we did this. Also, I wasn’t wearing a t-shirt. The wife wasn’t happy with a belly mark on the screen. So, she had fun cleaning that up. And before people start. Yes, I could have cleaned myself. No, I will not interfere when the wife starts freaking out and going into OCD mode. It’s not worth my life.

So here it is, It took a few days for our eyes to adjust. But the TV is pretty good. Yes, the wife started to accessorise the stand with little letter, fluorescent lights. Whatever makes her happy.