So What’s Been Happening Recently? #37
Again Thank you
This past few months have had it’s ups and downs. But a big help has been the achievement of reaching the bar of a thousand followers and now, over a thousand likes on my Facebook page and again I wanted to thank everyone who decided to click on the button. At the moment the numbers are 1191 Followers and 1133 Likes. Which is amazing. So, again, THANK YOU!
A major down was being scared of losing my job. The stress of it all made me depressed and I didn’t know which way I was supposed to go. I was banged to rights in the eyes of the company and I saw it to. I was waiting for at least three months, wondering what was going to happen. I was told many times by my union rep I would be fine. But until I got the final answer I couldn’t accept anything. I had one meeting which was sent to someone else to deal with and that’s where my luck rose up. An outsider came in and looked at my case and saw the discrimination I was being put through and after a three hour meeting, dropped the case. That eased my stress immensely. I went home after that, I was mentally exhausted. I would go into alot more detail but I don’t want to be sacked for breaking the company internet policy.
Good news, I was able to pay off my motorcycle, Tiffany. So, now I officially own her. And what did I do to celebrate? I got myself into debt again, Yayee! I needed a new computer as I was using my travel laptop and it wasn’t powerful enough to keep up with what I needed. I went online and had a custom built, made up. I used a site called PC Specialists. I had used them before a few years ago when my old desktop was on its way out. I haven’t had any problems with them, so I went back.
My new wireless Keyboard and mouse. The new power house.
I had an old monitor, that had been sitting on my desk for years, not being used. So, I took that and I am now using it as a second screen, along with the TV, I was originally using.
Before This what it looks like now. I know the mess hasn’t changed. But I am happy. The web cam is behind the the pick post-it note.
I also brought my figures in from the other room as well.
Death’s Head is my favourite Marvel character. I had a friend from work use his painting skills to help me get the true colours of the character. The character isn’t one of the most popular. But I just love the development of Death’s Head, which started in Transformers comics in the 80’s.
This lead to another down. When adding my email accounts to the Mail app on Windows, two of the accounts wouldn’t connect. I knew I was having problems with my Gmail account. But I didn’t know I had a problem with my work email. I realised the problem was there when I applied for a position at work. I created a new C.V and sent it to work. A few days later I found out the interviews where happening and I hadn’t been given an appointment. They hadn’t received my email. And the date had passed I tried to explain I had sent the email and explain I had installed a new computer, but they weren’t having it. So, I lost out on another position.
I have recently fixed the problem but I still don’t know why it happened. Just incase, if you have the same problem. Try installing the accounts through Calendar instead of Mail. I don’t know why it worked. It just did.