Portmeor Beach.
Day 3: More Pictures and Strolling
I don’t know what time it was. But we were slowly woken up to the calls of the seagulls. We just stayed there for a while, soaking it all in. Today we will try and enjoy ourselves without the need to be rushing around to be somewhere by a certain time. Well, we will need to, for breakfast. But. That’s it.
I thought I would show you the room we are currently staying in. Please excuse our mess:

I do enjoy the little extra they placed in the toilet:

Today we are going to Portmeor Beach. One of the four main beaches around St. Ives. The plan is: we go to each beach each day and then work out what to do later.
But first breakfast. We went downstairs around 8.30 and made contact with: the other residents, who were already seated. We said our hellos and sat down also. Simon came out, explained how the breakfast set-up works and gave us a choice of cooked foods. We both decided on the fry-up option. I then proceeded: to get myself some Weetabix and fruit and nearly choked to death on a blueberry.
Simon came out with a teapot. Nice.

The wife started talking with the other guests as we ate our food.

Here’s the grandfather clock I was on about yesterday:

After breakfast, we went back upstairs and got ready to go to the beach. As we left. I took in some of the artwork around the building and our room.

The entrance to our room.

Outside I took some pics in the car park.

Here is what we saw today.

We eventually came back from our adventures. I think I have come down with heatstroke. I forgot to put on some sunscreen. My head feels like my skin has shrunk. I relaxed as best as I could. Refilling, on liquids and some food. Also, using a damp cloth on my forehead.
We went through the photos we took, and I continued with writing. We decided to order a takeaway and chose pizza. The wife’s movie was spoiled, as the DVD she borrowed was badly scratched. This is one of the extras supplied by the owners. They have a small library of DVDs, for when we get bored of an evening. Above and beyond.
Nice shots, Andrew. That is one beautiful beach.