Porthgwidden Beach
Day 4: It’s Breezing Up That Hill. It’s Nice.
We missed breakfast this morning. We were “talking” about things. By the time we had concluded our disagreement. It was too late to go down. So it was decided. To go out for food.

I made sure I covered my visage with sunscreen. We made our way downward toward our destination.

This shop was finally open. The wife has been waiting to go into this shop for the past few days. The owner had a good excuse. He had got married. I was looking at a robot model from the Ghibli movie Laputa: Castle in the sky. I then heard the price and wasn’t wanting it that much anymore.
The wife, however, bought a couple of items: A vintage Totoro backpack and a Pennywise model.

After our time with the owner, I think his name was Nigel. We headed to our next destination: Food.
We ended up back at Harbour Beach. We Tried out a pub called the Sloop Inn B&B. They had air conditioning, which was great. There is a TV playing images of the area and an advert promoting their brand of Gin. The food was okay. The wife didn’t like it. After I had had my fill. We left to find something for the missus.

So we ended up next door at a place called Mor Beach Cafe. She seemed a lot happier with this food. She ate while we sat on a bench by the beach. Behind me, a lady was trying to sell seats for boat rides to see some seals.
We headed for Porthgwidden beach. It’s a small beach compared to the others but has flat-style beach huts. Plus a hill next to it with a coast guard post and a historical building.

The coastal winds helped with the weather when we walked around the top of the hill.
We walked back down the hill and made our way back to the B&B. We ended up going the wrong way. I was trying to find a route that had fewer hill climbs. But of course, I cocked up and went the wrong way. So we rested for a few minutes. Sitting on a wall with ice cream. Whilst defending our area from seagulls. We then went back the way we came.
After visiting some local shops for provisions, the worst thing happened. My knee gave out. I wouldn’t be able to walk up the hill again. So we found a cab station and waited for a lift back. It was a nice change.
We settled back in our room, and the wife had a nap. I continued with another blog and watched E4 on the tele.
We were watching Sheldon when I discovered a flaw in the series. It was the episode Mema bought Sheldon a Nintendo gaming system. NES. Mema was playing. But with the wrong controller. She had a SNES controller instead of an NES. There is seven years difference between consoles. Nitpicking at its best. They should know better.
The wife was so pleased with that announcement. That she just continued watching the show.
The rest of the night consisted of watching shows, internet browsing and snacking until we fell asleep. Good times.