My Life That Happened In #16
Episode #15
… January 2025
Wednesday 1st
The start of a new year begins. And nothing is happening. I have uploaded the latest life blog and the missus, who isn’t feeling well, is ignoring me again by continuing to do the housework when I have told her to stop and relax.
Progress has been made with my ex-work colleague. He has finished and decided on a CV. I have edited it as best as I can. I have emailed it to my manager at work. We will have to wait and see what happens next.
Friday 3rd
I was going to go shopping this morning but was stopped by my wife. She’s ill. She believes her boss spread it to her. She started texting me asking me to go to the shops and get her some medicine. I told her I was going to the shop, and asked if she wanted to join me. The wife, of course, obviously was shocked by this and instead of going to get her medicine, she then decided I had to go home. Go figure.
Saturday 4th
I picked up the wife after work and we headed to the shop. She is still ill but she needed medicine and I needed to fill the cupboards. The wife didn’t help matters while shuffling her feet and nearly getting run over. Strangely, she sped up when it was time to go home.
It had been cold and my windows had been frosting up so I bought a windscreen cover. Only to realise later that it was a little bit short.

Wednesday 8th
I bought some new self-help books. I thought I would give them a go. Atomic Habits, I already have read a digital copy but as I enjoyed it I thought I would buy a physical copy. The other was recommended on YouTube. I bought these from eBay. The 4-day Workweek: I bought from Vinted and arrived a few days earlier.

Also some new licence plate lights for Ne Ne as someone mentioned that the lights were dim. They were pretty cheap.

Thursday 9th
Something is happening at work. It looks like I will be getting some more training.
I popped into Tescos for a few more items we had forgotten yesterday and also added to my new Garfield shopping bag collection.

Friday 10th
It has been confirmed that I will be having forklift training. Reach truck and counterbalance on the 27th of this month. I will have a medical on the 22nd, which is, apparently, standard. But I don’t care, more training is always good even though this will be a refresher course, which will be about fourteen years overdue.
Saturday 11th
I don’t know if this is a joke, or maybe they already had it made, a simple goodbye gesture, or they still had me in certain parts of their system. Because I know the managers at my old workplace would never have done this. And the fact I never reached twenty years. I was five months shy.
But I will not deny myself a badge. I do love a badge.
So I received this in the post:

Monday 13th
For a while now, our boiler has been leaking. We knew that it was a pressure issue and looked online for help. A bloke named David helped. I found him a website but I can’t say where or people will know he turned up for two minutes to fix the leak with a pair of pliers and didn’t charge us anything. He wanted me to give him a good review and I took his card.
And of course, I did just that.
Tuesday 14th
As my toothbrushes from my electric toothbrush were running out I decided to try off-brand brushes. As well as buy some branded brushes. I am hoping, I do not need to bother with the branded ones in the future.

Friday 17th
Yesterday, we discovered that Nintendo will be showing off the Switch 2 at selected venues. But the only way people can go is to be part of a draw. They will be there for three days and I have to choose a time and date. I set us up for the draw and now we have to wait to see if we have been selected.
Saturday 18th
A few days ago, whilst on my lunch, my brother, decided it was the right time to have an on-the-spot test of emergency protocols. I failed. It has bugged me ever since. I should have known the answer. So I suggested a business card with the information on it. He claimed that money costs and such. So, I delved into making one for myself. Only to find out, when I had sent him a copy of what I had done. The uppers had made one already.
I was a little peeved, but looking at it, I noticed, that a couple of bits of information were missing. So I updated what I made with the card information, which I will pick up from work. It is not brilliant but it’s a lot better than before. I would show you but I don’t think I am allowed. So I won’t. Sorry.
Sunday 19th
Not happy. The items from Amazon I ordered have arrived. But the way the delivery woman dropped them off… I was asleep. The wife was in the shower. She could have left them at the door, but instead, she woke me up by constantly pressing the doorbell. I must have looked a sight ripping the door open looking groggy in just my boxers.
But now it’s official. I am the new proud owner of a laminator. I now have to learn how to use it.
Monday 20th
Feeling depressed. I was promised something but now it has been forgotten. Didn’t think it could happen again this soon. But I hoped a little too much.
I will have to fight a little harder. I am not giving up.
Tuesday 21st
I received an email from work stating that they will be having; representatives from Costco coming down to offer memberships to the staff. The only problem would be I would have to come back an hour after work. So that’s what I did. I finished work, took the wife to work and went home. Sorting and washed the things needed for my lunch to be made for the next couple of nights. I got changed, put on a wash load, and then I was back at work, in just over an hour. And five minutes later I had signed up.
Then back home to rest and relax before going to bed.
Wednesday 22nd
Today is a medical day at work. I need to pass; so I can train for my forklift licence next week. It took a little longer than expected. This was due to my various ailments. The person from occupational health put me through a series of tests and then called a nurse to cover any other problems; that they thought may be a problem. But in the end, I passed. Not with flying colours but enough for them to be happy for me to continue.
I also spent some time, updating people on how they can get their hands on a Costco card.
Thursday 23rd
I missed a video message from my brother and found out when I got to work, that my Costco cards had arrived. I just need to get them printed with a photo of my glorious mug.
Friday 24th
Weird day, today. Contractors were washing our windows. This is the first time it has happened in over a decade. The wife and the neighbours weren’t happy with the results.
The wife has started therapy today. She has been waiting about a year for an advanced counsellor. I needed something different so I ordered pizza around midday as I also knew the missus would be buggered after her session. She will need cheering up and comfort food should do the trick.
Saturday 25th
We were supplied with new coats from work. As soon as I saw it there could be a problem. The coat is a Hi-Viz, navy but looked black. I didn’t have a problem but the person who would is the wife. The coat looked like one of the ones her dad used to wear and I knew it would be hard for her to see.
Finishing work, I picked up my wife and we headed out to the shops. We popped into Lakeside and then the retail park. I don’t feel I am getting my money’s worth anymore. I know the past few years have been bad. But for some reason today I felt it a little more.
When we got home I got the coat out, I thought it was best to rip the bandage off and show her. She did get emotional but she did well and she just asked me to try not to show it in front of her too often I said I would try my best.
Monday 27th
First day of my forklift training. Due to my past experience, I am a little advanced for the beginning of the course so we are a day ahead of schedule.
I have been a bit stressed and overwhelmed while waiting for my turn and learning the positioning part of placing a pallet into the racking. But I will get there eventually. My instructor has a lot of faith in me which I really appreciate.
On a happier note. I found a hardback copy of a short story series released originally as an ebook. I found it by accident, looking for something else on Instagram, as I am writing The Book Report for The Book That Broke The World, I have just finished reading. This collection, Missing Pages by Mark Lawrence, includes an extra story from the Library Trilogy.
The email arrived from Nintendo. We didn’t get the tickets.
Tuesday 28th
There is a problem with the toilet. The water keeps running. So I have turned off the water pipe and will fix it later. I wrote some basic information, on post-it notes on the wall next to the toilet; for the wife to follow, so she can turn on the pipe when she wants to flush.
So obviously, my instructions are too hard to follow and so I tell her to use a washing bowl fill it up and pour it into the toilet.
As we were ahead in our training we started with the mock tests. I was a little shocked and overwhelmed that I passed the test the first time. It did affect me more than it should’ve. But then I did the test two more times, improving each time. I was happy but, I was still bothered and stressed about the whole thing.
I buy some replacement parts for the toilet only to find half of it, doesn’t fit the hole. So I have ordered a new part I know does fit and a new button. They should be here by Saturday.
Wednesday 29th
Today didn’t go so well. I explained my situation to the instructor and continued with another mock test. I got in my head and stressed about something I knew I was okay with. But one element was missing. Confirmation. A tiny little thing doesn’t mean a lot in the face of it all but the one brick missing from completing the puzzle.
Because that was missing and I had made a couple of tiny mistakes which my head exaggerated. Near the end of the test, I had an attack. I was still driving the truck at the time and it would be tomorrow that my instructor would tell me he was convinced I was okay to continue as I still had control over the vehicle.
It took about an hour to recover, and I did the test again. I took six minutes off my longest time and achieved the points and time of an instructor level. That made me happy.
By now this is the fourth time I have passed the test. But it’s still not a confirmation.
Thursday 30th
The last day of the course. We started with the theory and then went and got the tests done and out of the way. I am glad and happy to say we both passed. We continued by reading a lot of paperwork. During this time I got a call from the missus as she was going to work. She was having an attack. While I was talking to her I spoke to the instructor stated that I would be half an hour tops to get everything done.
As well as this I hadn’t recovered from my attack. So, I was wearing my tintied glasses to help my eye strain and prevent a migraine.
So I rushed to the car, drove to Lakeside, and I rushed to Marks and Spencer. I managed to get the wife to walk her straight away with support back to the car. Drove her home and got back to work in about twenty-plus minutes. Just as the instructor was giving a lesson on a counterbalance fork truck, and then signed a couple of things.
Our licences should be ready when we go back to work after our days off.
At Home
I went home tired, and relaxed while the wife slept off her attack. She will have a headache for a few days and it’s the same case for me I have to wear my tinted glasses so I don’t get a migraine.
I did treat myself to a first-edition book signed by the author. And I know at the moment it looks like the author is a sexual abuser. But I don’t care about him, at the moment, If he did it he deserves everything he gets but I am here to enjoy the art of storytelling. And I am sorry but he is a good storyteller.
I had a little bidding war with someone on eBay and won Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman. I could have gotten it a lot cheaper if I waited until the end. But I didn’t realise how aggressive my opponent would be. But my experience won in the end.
I had another look at that email from Nintendo. Turns out I can put myself on a reserve list so that’s what I did. A second chance but I put us down for two days and four time slots.
Fingers crossed.
Friday 31st
A little rest before I return to work again.
See you next month!