My Life That Happened In… #11
… August 2024
Thursday 1st
After my original cock up. It finally arrived, and my collection is now complete. I still haven’t decided on what to do with the spare DVD.

Wednesday 14th
We have to say goodbye to a family member. Our beloved Jenny. She has been with us for nearly two decades and will be missed. A replacement has been sorted and will begin service on Monday. Goodbye, old girl, you have done us proud.
As one final salute. Here is the ASMR video I created a couple of years ago.
Thursday 15th
Today, we are going away for a day and night. An old school friend of mine has passed, and I want to say goodbye. And because I would rather not drive while tired, we booked a hotel in Colchester called Colchester Boutique.

It took about an hour to get there and find the place. We left early mainly because I always get lost, even with the sat nav. So I add the extra time.
I also had to deliver, to my brother, a new, second-hand, refurbished laptop. He wanted me to give it a once over before he took ownership of it. And on top of that, I had a phone call with a solicitor about a past work accident case.
The Hotel is a couple of joined period houses with what seems to be an old coach house attached and renovated into rooms. The car park in the back is through some large, but narrow, black gate doors. It is a small car park. It was nearly empty when we arrived.
The man at reception is nice, stern and very precise. Making sure I understood the rules and eventually showed us, to our room.

The room itself is small but cosy for our needs.

After we collected our things and placed them in the room we headed back to Pumpkin and went to the crematorium. It was a couple of miles up the road. Eventually, we found it.
The cemetery is massive. The crematorium is a single building with one chapel. The chapel was a decent size as well.

The ceremony was nice. Many came to speak, pay their respects and they played a short video. I do have to admit I wasn’t sure if I could get through it. That was a shock to me. As I felt I was on the edge of an attack. But I tried to focus on listening and watching what was happening around me and made it through to the other side. And also with some breathing. I was surprised that many people didn’t show up. That I thought would. But that doesn’t matter now.

We returned to the car and made our way back, to the hotel after changing into a T-shirt, and a different hat. We made our way to the reception. It was being held in a cafe. But it is also a vinyl and plant shop. I wouldn’t recommend the plants. At the time, of our visit, they didn’t look like they were being looked after. But in general, the place was nice and they had put on a nice spread. Prices for the drinks were of course ridiculous. But everyone relaxed and enjoyed each other’s company and reminisced.
Across the road was a Primark, of course, the wife wanted a quick peek. Nearly thirty pounds later we returned to the cafe.
We left a little while after and were asleep by about nine.
Friday 16th
After a reasonably good night’s sleep and getting up early, around sevenish. We packed up and got ready to leave. We headed down to the car park packed our things away in Pumpkin and then went inside, to have breakfast.

The spread was amazing. They offer a continental breakfast. And the amount of food on offer was mental. I was expecting a croissant and a tea. But Holey moley there was so much food. And the decor was great as well. I immediately fell in love with the Grandfather clock.

After we ate what we wanted and took some extras, we checked our room one last time. Saying our thanks to one of the owners, and we headed home. It took about an hour. Before we left I had to take a picture of a garden next door to the car park.

The day before we saw an old lady working on it. Yes, it is a little rough around the edges. But that’s why we love it. There is a lot of love in that garden.
For the short time, we spent at the hotel. I would recommend them to anybody staying in the city. They are available for a variety of events. Here’s a leaflet:

New Toys
My Aliexpress orders have arrived.
I bought a couple of new wireless earbuds as mine had battery problems. And some earbuds for the wife, just because. I also bought a new Bluetooth speaker. The one I bought about a month ago, works fine but the problem was sound direction. The sound was projected away from me. But with the new ones I had: the speakers sound towards my ears not everywhere else. I was concerned about movement when wearing them but the picture on the box has someone working out in the gym and after using them I have no concerns with them staying put.

The only thing slightly annoying is I am sure I ordered the dark grey speakers. I have also tried out the earbuds and they do what I need. And the price was right.
Saturday 18th
The front room computer packed up, as I was going to bed. She is getting on a bit but I want to get her fixed. I did what I could with the knowledge I had. But my limits have been reached and I have to seek outside help.
Sunday 19th
If I am getting the computer fixed I might as well have the laptop upgrade, at the same time. So I have ordered a new SSD (hard drive) and more RAM, for some extra memory.
I contacted an online computer trader site to find someone near me who might be able to help. As it’s Sunday I have got an answer back yet.
I brought out my travel laptop to replace the desktop for, the time being. She is a bit slow, but she is a workhorse and soon an upgraded one.
Monday 20th
She has been delivered! The new tumble dryer. I am inclined to call her Darth Jenny. She is a little bit sinister. But we like that.

Finally, I have had contact, with the computer guy. After talking by email, he will arrive on Friday, giving me time for my parts to arrive.
Wednesday 28th
It is time to see what two thousand pounds will get you to have a good night’s sleep from mild sleep Apnea, and allow the wife to sleep without my snoring.
My appointment was just after twelve, after finally meeting up with the dentist, he took me through what I had received and how to look after and use the MAD. For the next few days, he wants me to wear them, for a short time every day to get used to them to help reduce saliva buildup. And then start to wear them to bed. I need a test run so my mouth can get used to the foreign body.

But then the day got even better after paying my bill. I looked out the window and saw a warden placing a ticket on my car. I did not realise, and after speaking to the secretary, even though the first hour was free, I still needed to display a ticket. This I didn’t know and another twenty-five-pound bill to pay. Nice!
That Computer Guy
Because my memory parts arrived late, I couldn’t make an appointment with the computer man, his name is David. So I emailed him today and was able to have him come over tomorrow.
Thursday 29th
I arrived home, after work, with my wife having already gone off to work; leaving me to relax and prepare for the computer guy to arrive. He works at DH Computing. He arrived an hour and a bit later and I showed him and told him what had gone wrong. I explained how old my desktop was and even though after finding that I could replace the motherboard. Confirming what I already thought the problem was. There existed no upgradable items to replace and purchase. So I admitted defeat and decided to buy a new desktop. Nothing too grand, something more powerful for my needs and hopefully the wife will be happy with the upgrade.
The only thing I need to do is transfer my hard drives over. I haven’t been able to see inside the new desktop yet but I have been searching online for possible ways in case there aren’t enough hard drive slots.
The Old Girl
Next up: my old faithful laptop. Again the parts I had bought were not going to improve the performance I was looking for. This is due to the processor not being upgradeable. As is the norm. So there was no point continuing and the original route I thought of, replacing the laptop for an upgrade, Is now the route I must take.
Talking with David and his recommendations I chose a new laptop. It is sad and sort of, exciting at the same time. I loved that old girl she has done me well. But the new toy will be fun to set up.
David eventually left but will be returning to install his version of Windows 11 onto the new desktop, as there isn’t an operating system on there yet. He also helped with teaching me some things and even though I knew most of what we discussed, he helped refine that knowledge.
So although sad. New things are happening but I have to wait for their arrival.
Saturday 31st
My gift has arrived. I don’t know when I will use it. But I will give it a go.

Somnowell has sent me a free pillow which is supposedly seventy-five quid.