My Life That Happened In… #1
… October 2023
Hello, and welcome to what I hope will be a new start for my blog. I have tried to continue with my ‘So What’s Been Happening Recently?’ series. But that was in drips and drabs, as I didn’t write that often. Or I didn’t use the title.
But for now, I will try and continue a new way to write one blog of this nature once a month. The travel blogs may override this when they happen. We will see. But until then. Welcome to the first of hopefully many to come. Plus, I have a work colleague moaning at me for more blogs. So this is for you. Enjoy!
A New Hat

My hat finally arrived. I have bought a new hat for me to wear at work. It’s not a big deal, I know. But I like it. Although, I did get ripped off a little. I purchased it from eBay. Only later did I realise I could buy it from Aliexpress. I found it for less than half the price of eBay, which was nice. So now I have the option of purchasing another when I am ready.
I Got Scammed
It’s Christmas prezzie season again, and I worked out what I was getting my brother. So, I went on to Amazon and found an excellent price for the item I wanted to buy. But I should have realised it was a little too perfect.
So, of course, I bought it and then waited for it to arrive. It was going to take a while. So, every couple of days. I would check for updates on dispatch and delivery. One day, it was suddenly delivered.
Of course, it wasn’t. But I was still wondering where it was. I contacted the seller, and they assured me he would sort it out. And to give him a couple of days. I went along with this, and a couple of days later, the seller disappeared. So I was happy.
I contacted Amazon, and they were able to send me a refund.
Be careful out there people!
A Little Embarrassed
My mind has been worrying and concentrating on other things recently. This could be why my head had been screwy to make me not realise that I had gone to work on my day off. And I didn’t realise until I tried to swipe in for my shift. This will be my second time in nineteen years. Not Bad. But a pain in the backside.
Hopeful Health Improvements
I have had to add and change some things to benefit my health. The first is adding to my eating habits. With the new way I enjoy my food now, I had a deficiency in something missing. I decided from an encounter with my doctor early on in the year. She said that I should be taking Vitamin B tablets. I also added Vitamin D as I do not see a lot of sunlight, working nights. But there was something else.
By some weird, incredible luck, YouTube noticed and started recommending videos for nuts and seeds. With some investigation, I chose to add a small pot to my packed lunch after purchasing a load of nuts and a couple of different types of seeds. I tried them all out and picked out the ones I wanted for my pot. I have even added chocolate nuts as well. As a little extra, I have recently added chocolate raisins to the mix.
The second little change is to my sleeping pattern. For many years, I have been sticking to the same sleep pattern. But for some reason, I am waking up earlier and earlier. So I have now improved it. I am maintaining the same wake-up time on my alarm. But now I go to bed a couple of hours earlier. So, if I need the extra time, I don’t worry about rushing to wake up.
For the moment, it seems to be working. I am sleeping and resting longer. And I get an extra few minutes before work to do little things like adding to this blog. A quick meditation. Maybe a quick bite to eat.
The Book Report
I am slowly learning, and I think I am getting better at writing my reports on the books I have recently read. I have just finished a couple of books and started reading a couple more. It gives me something to write about and improves my writing skills. Practice, practice, practice! I do hope you are enjoying them.
Getting My Steps In
A new purchase that will hopefully help me with walking more. And lose that little bit more from my gut. I have purchased a treadmill. I didn’t want something too expensive, but we will see how that goes. However, I haven’t started using it yet as I have had to purchase an extension lead. I bought it from a website called Home Fitness Code. I also purchased the extra accessory of the floor mat.

For now, I think I will leave it there. I didn’t really get up to much. We will see what happens in November.
Would you look at that… I got another hat.