Health & Safety Course
6-10 December 2021 Course 1A. Run By Ruskin College
So, a start to a new week and I had the chance to study and learn some new knowledge. With my position as Health and Safety Rep, I get to take advantage of this and go on several courses which are available to me. With the virus still around, courses are online. So I have to stay at home. Oh No! And sit in front of my computer over video call and learn as much as I can to hopefully help improve life at work. The only problem is that I have to wear clothes whilst as home. Which is a drag.
So Day 1 is now here and I am ready, I think. I have been sent my course paperwork in a lovely bag. It’s beside me now and well have to see what happens next. I have been alittle creative and used my streaming software OBS to connect with Google Meet software. So when I have to do the “introduction” part of the course I can display my name and links to my blog and social media. Free advertising is always helpful. Also I hate that part. I also had to edit the images as when they appear, on video call. They show up in reverse.

I had got my uploads out of the way for my YouTube and Odysee channels. Even though I have upgraded my broadband. It’s still pretty rubbish for streaming. One little disturbance and I can loose connection.
The course is set up so every hour we have a ten minute break. To get everyone away from the computer and stretch our legs. With the arthritis in my knee and problems with my hip. I am going to need it. We also get an hour for lunch.
I joined up a little early and there seems to be problems with connection. I don’t know if it’s my end or theirs. It seems to be a decent turn out. But connections are bad.
The course finally started, it turned into a little bit of a mess. The course has already turned into an I.T lesson. Which is not surprising really. I was placed in a group for the first assignment. We were given the task of introductions. But seeing as we didn’t know for sure what to do because of connection problems. Time finally ran out when we finally tried to get started.
After getting back to the main screen we had some more technical problems and continued with the introductions. I finally did my introductions and I think people enjoyed my cheeky plug for my website and other things.
We had a quick break and continued with the course.
Coming back we discussed how management deal with the health and safety and the general conditions in our workplaces. Then another quick break.
We continued with some more tasks and went for lunch. I relaxed with some Boruto and some food. And waited for the course to continue.
The rest of the day was left with setting up groups and discussing the tasks given. Mostly whether a situation needed to involve a health and safety rep. Or to involve themselves.
So, day 1 ended with some good debates even though we thought we were right. We were explained the reasons why. Even though the explanation felt morally wrong.
Day 2: I do feel a bit rushed for no reason at all. All I am doing is walking into another room and turning the computer on. I did try looking for some gloves for my wife. She has been suffering with painful Raynaud’s in her hands with her new job. Even after telling them that she has a problem they still stick her in a freezer and wonder why she was in pain. I arrive early for the course and get set up for the day. Today we had to catch up on missing out two of the activities from yesterday.
I was wondering when this was going to happen. In previous courses I have been on. Reps come along and discuss the different aspects of the union, that we should be getting involved with. Last time was for us to vote for the Labour party. This one was for Work, Voice and Pay. Making sure everyone is looked after with Covid, pay and working conditions. This one has a profile generator which tells people how much companies are earning.
The wife came home from her shift. Complaining about Bolt again. The past couple of days she has been trying to get a ride home. They haven’t showed up. And tried to charge a cancellation fee. When she never cancelled. So I am trying to help her and trying to concentrate on the course. Fun times! On top of that she is still having problems with workplace for not supporting her with her Raynaud’s. She wants to quit.
After checking some reviews online Bolt is pretty bad. Pretty much a scam with a smiley face on it.
After lunch, a representative from the education department came to discuss our next course. I couldn’t apply for the next course as there will be elections for our positions. So don’t know if I will have this position then. She went on to sell us to go on to the equalities and mental health courses.
We went on to discuss the “Bible” of health and safety, The Brown Book. Which is a guide book for Reps in the workplace. We then continued with our tasks until the end of the day.

Day 3: I was woken up early again today. About 5.20am. The wife had come home early due to her Raynaud’s causing her pain again. So, I was not able to go back to sleep. Also my light sensitivity has been giving me some discomfort. But oh well. I have to continue. I have my Two pint glass, full of orange Robinsons. And some bourbon biscuits to keep me going. Class is about to begin.
Today we having a new tutor. As the one we had was only covering a couple of days. Normally we are able to meet up online a few minutes before but today I am waiting and it’s nearly 9.30. The screen just waiting for the host to join. It seems I had the problem I retried the connection and got in. The tutor is on the phone at the moment. So a great start.
The tutor started with a rollcall to get to know everyone. She then explained that she had to contact the previous tutor because she was having problems connecting through to the course. It also seems the the previous tutor forgot to get us to fill some forms in. She is not pleased. Hehe!
Biccy Time!
Our tutor is at home and has disappeared to deal with the man to fix her washing machine. So this class is getting really professional now. We were sent on a break and I don’t how long she’s going to be. So we wait…
She’s back and her washing machine is fixed. On to our next task.
The new tutor is really full on. Takes control of the course. very loud. Maybe abit more organised. One of pupils stated that they found her comical. While the previous sort of did the same but was more laid back. Maybe a bit smug about her knowledge. I think the new tutor has the edge. She had to pop to the door to collect a PCR test. Also telling us stories about her cruise, she just came back from.
We finally went to lunch and after continued with our activities. The next activity was tricky as I wasn’t sure if the problem fitted the legislation. But hay ho. On to the next.
After the course finished I thought I would treat myself and also the wife, as she is not feeling well, to a Chinese. I haven’t really been eating properly so I thought I should have a proper meal, even if it is a takeaway.
Day 4: Quiet start this morning. Spent a little time with the wife before starting up the course again. We had to finish off an assignment from yesterday.
We had another visitor come along. But this person is an observer. Making sure that everything is going smoothly.
The wife has gone out. I really don’t want her to. She’s still not well. But she has to deal with her problems with her hands at her new work. And she has been unable to contact people on the phone.
We disappeared for a break around ten past eleven. I decided that I would sort the bins out. As I am such a wonderful husband. Which meant I had to go outside. Where the fresh air is and the sunlight and maybe other people. It was horrible. But I was being a good husband. So that’s all that matters. I even got the post from the letterbox. It had piled up in the little box. I was pleased with my new albums from Volbeat. Standard album and a limited edition copy with a signed postcard.
Oh well back to work…
The wife came home and she decided to leave the job. As they couldn’t provide a different department for her to work that wouldn’t cause her more harm. So she has to heal and find a new job.
Lunch time. The missus cooked up some food and we sat down and watched some Beard Meats Food on YouTube. If you like watching people doing food challenges. I don’t know why I do. But I can’t help but watch, maybe give it a go. We watch together until it was time for me to go back.
I think we are all slowly getting tired of it all. The information we have to research to answer the questions given. It’s getting to us. We managed to nearly get through two activities. But gratefully it’s the end of the day.
Day 5: The Last day is finally here. This has been a weird week to get use to. When I am at home I am resting. Even though most of that rest is sitting in my “office” working on my various projects. But to sit down for the purpose of a class like this. I have had to go the extra mile to stay put and concentrate more. I have to concentrate on the day itself and know what the actual date is. Where when I am work at night, days just drift by and sometimes I have no idea what the day or date is. So it’s all been a bit daunting.
For the occasion I wore a special T-Shirt. Nobody seemed to noticed. Sob.

So, anyway, the last day. Realising I have to go back to normal work on Monday. I don’t wanna. But I have to and hopefully I can use what I have learned to help someone at work and also keep the management on there toes.
The wife is in bed. So, I will have to use my headphone until she gets up. As I have had to over the week when she has been in bed. The bedroom is right next to the spare room/ office. With her superhuman hearing I have to cut out as much sound as possible. She can hear a pin drop and you would think a bomb has gone off the way she charges in wondering what the hell is going on.
We started off with paperwork. Admin stuff. Stating we have done the work that was given. Signed by us and scored by the tutor. Also an evaluation of how we think the course went. Then we went over the task from yesterday as not everyone had finished it. I did. Not bragging. He says.
We had a break and the wife is finally up and just starting to watch one of her favourite movies Bride of Chucky.
We were sent again into our groups again to work on some more activities.
Lunch time came around and we were given extra time as we weren’t allowed to leave early. So an hour and forty minutes later we were back. I did use some of my break time to work on the final assignment. Thinking I could get ahead. Turns out it was a waste of time. Although I sort of had the right idea. I was wrong in the delivery. So I deleted everything and started again. The tutor must of realised we were confused so she took us through one line of the activity. Which helped a bit. we were then sent into groups again to finish it off.
Rejoining later we handed everything in and the tutor decided that if everything was done we could go. It was just after half three. I said my goodbyes and left everyone to their stuff. It was over. Course 1A was complete. I now just have to wait for my certificate in the post.
The day wasn’t over. As we were both off we had arranged to do our monthly shop a day early, instead of doing it on a Saturday morning. All the time this week sitting down came back to bite me on the arse. As my knee gave out whilst walking around in the shop. I had to slow down and stop every now and then to let my leg sort itself out and by the time we were finished I just about able to continue without limping. My hip thought it could help aswell. As my hip doesn’t like me pushing things. So fun was had until I was able to rest at home.