Duckling You can swim

Duckling You Can Swim

‘I can’t!’ Said Duckling.

‘Yes you can, sweetheart.’ Said his Mother.

‘What if I sink?’ Asked Duckling.

‘You won’t sink. Trust me.’ Said his Mother, looking at him and smiling.

     Duckling looked over at the pond. He saw all his brothers and sisters splashing about enjoying the water. He so wanted to join them.

I am so small and the pond looks so big, thought Duckling. A single tear formed in his eye, rolled down his little cheek and went into the pond beneath him.

     Frog was taking a joyful hop along the grassy bank, when he saw Duckling and noticed how sad he looked, as he waddled away from the pond frog went and sat by him.

‘Why so sad Duckling?’ Frog asked

‘I so want to play with my brothers and sisters.’ Duckling answered. Trying to hold back more tears.

‘Then go play.’ Frog said

‘I can’t swim.’ Duckling told the Frog, bowing his head in shame. ‘Do frogs swim?’

‘We can. But us frogs are lazy. We prefer to float on our lily pads.’

Wish I had a lily pad Duckling thought.

‘Would it help if I came with you?’ The Ducking looked up at Frog ‘Let’s have a swim together.’ Said Frog. Duckling still a little scared, nodded okay.

With that, Frog had jumped off towards the pond. He stopped by the edge and peered down towards the water. He turned to his side and saw the Duckling had followed him.

‘Ready?’ Duckling nodded nervously again. Duckling looked at the Frog and then closed his eyes. The frog began to count. ‘One, two, three.’ With an almighty splash Duckling was in the water.

But when he opened his eyes he noticed he wasn’t sinking. He was floating on the water. His Mother was right all along.

He heard sounds of laughter. Not at him but of his brothers and sisters playing. He felt so happy. His little legs gently lapping the water beneath him. Frog had already joined them at this point, ‘See, knew you could do it.’ Frog said

Mother duck proudly lined all her ducklings up in a row behind her and they followed her round the pond. After that Duckling was never afraid of the water again.


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