WOOHOOO! Christmas 2020! Pt2
So What’s Been Happening Recently? #33
24th December: Christmas Eve
About 3 in the morning I had had enough sleep or my body wouldn’t let me have any more. So I decided to get up and catch up with some YouTube and internet stuff. The laptop I was trying to fix was messing me about. So I started a new idea that might help. It would take longer to fix but I had no other option. About seven in the morning I started to write my blog and spent a good part of the morning writing and finally publishing it about half two in the afternoon and then started on this one. The wife was up and down, deciding to sleep until about nine. And then after some time on her Switch Lite, playing Animal Crossing. She went ahead with the house work. I would help but I want to stay alive a bit longer.

Today is a lazy day with no plans. Just relaxing. I know the wife doing house work may not sound relaxing but to her if she’s not doing it, she can’t settle. Even if the work is done three or four times. I know it sounds daft. But it’s best to let her get on with it. Her O.C.D and anxiety is something you do not want to get in the middle of. Whatever makes her happy. She is playing her Christmas music and I am in my “office” doing my own thing. Separate but always together. Don’t worry, I will get a detailed description on everything that she is doing, as she is doing it.
This laptop is getting a bit tricky. It turns out that these government approved laptops for schools have a program that restricts what you can and cannot do on the internet. After a while it stops access to the internet completely and I have to find a way to delete it. Uninstalling requires a password and I don’t have one. So I have to work out how to remove certain program files to make it inert.
I originally thought that the Windows 7 Operating system was so old that it wasn’t being allowed through to update to 10, I was wrong of course. I tried twice and both times got rejected at the last hurdle. So I started updating Windows 7, updating the drivers, uninstalling unwanted software. This is where I found the Netintelligence software requiring a password to uninstall. Checking online I came across many others that have had the same problem and have worked on a way to fix it. I am slowly trying that method at the moment.
It did work. I was able to disable the software and with another program, I found online. I was able to make sure it wasn’t going to work again and eventually was able to update to Windows 10. But I still wasn’t happy. The laptop is still sluggish and some of the old software I thought I had removed was messing with the new Windows OS. I also think the Windows 10 didn’t fully install properly. This was when I decided to reset the laptop with Windows 10 and hopefully wipe the harddrive and have a fresh version of it. The operating system allows for this.
But before that, the wife was getting hungry and I have to admit so was I. It was about six and the problem with me is when I get stuck with a problem or I am focused, working on my computer. I forget about food and liquids. I can go a whole day without and not realise. I’m lucky I have someone who will remind me to eat and drink and check on me. We ordered Dominos pizza and I thought it was time to have a break and relax.
So while she was in the front room watching her soaps. I went into the bedroom and watched a sort of Marvel Avengers Christmas cartoon. I ate my pizza, drank my Dr. Pepper and fell asleep on the comfy bed. I woke up slightly annoyed I had fallen asleep and continued watching the cartoon. I later, went to check on the laptop and after bringing it out of screensaver. I accidentally cancelled the reset and I had to started that up again whilst adjusting the screensaver settings.
So I set the laptop up for a reset again and left it to do its thing.
Around half ten I decided I had had enough and went to bed. Leaving the missus relaxing, watching her spider pets YouTube videos. This doesn’t make much sense really. She is scared of the bloody things but finds a video and suddenly they are cute and gorgeous.

Today has not been as relaxing as I thought it would be. But it has been fun.