We Are Going For A Bike Ride. Later!

Still on holiday But, not a lot has happened over the past few days. Here’s a quick summary:

Day 3 – 20th July 2023

We hadn’t decided what we were doing for the day. But first things first. The wife had a counselling session with a new psychologist. So we had to see what was going to happen after that.

I bought a couple of external hard drives. But I wasn’t happy with them. As they could not do what I needed them for. So I was going to return them. The wife needed to speak to someone at her job about her new therapy sessions. So we went to Lakeside Shopping Centre.

We stopped off at the retail park. That was where Currys was. I walked over to the returns desk after finding out if they had the hard drives I wanted. I had to bite my lip. The lady at the service desk was very matter-of-fact. She said no, I couldn’t return my items. It was because I had opened it. I am pretty sure that isn’t legal.

But changed her tune when she found out I had bought them online and said I had to return them that way.

While the wife was eyeing up; a possible new monitor and gaming chair, I contacted Currys through their website. I was cut off. We started walking over to the Shopping Center. They called me back, and I arranged for them to pick it up the next day. So we had to wait at home for Dpd to pick it up.

We arrived at Lakeside shopping centre when the wife took my bank card and bought herself a fruit smoothie. After collecting her drink, we popped in two doors down so she could speak to her manager.

Spending more money

Moving on, we had a quick walk around Lakeside. I had to pop into Superdrug for a couple of things and then thought I would go into WHSmiths for a couple of new fountain pens and a notebook for when the time comes my journal book runs out. I was a long way off. But, any excuse to buy a notebook? The wife helped me spend my money by adding a pack of Sharpie pens to the pile. I also bought a drink from WHSmiths.

Finally, we headed to Marks and Spencer for bits to top up what we were missing at home that would last until the shopping arrived. We still had to order when we got home.

Day 4 – 21st July 2023

Again no plans for today. The wife is still tired. She has been doing a lot of walking. Her calves are aching.

We had to wait for Dpd to pick up the package to return to Currys. So I thought while the missus was playing Animal Crossing, I would find a couple of replacements that would do the job. So I found a 5TB and a 2TB, which should help me with what I need.

Dpd arrived in the afternoon.

After finally working out, we weren’t going out. We ordered a takeaway and relaxed for the rest of the evening.

I also got my latest video ready for Monday.

Day 5 – 22nd July 2023

I had woken up early, not on purpose, and completed my Qi-Gong videos and other things while waiting for the wife to roll out of bed.

I started uploading my latest video for Monday, which will be released at 8 am.

If you are interested in my latest video, click here: YT1, YT2, YT3, O4, R5, TT6,

Today we are doing nothing again and waiting for Tesco to deliver our shopping. Okay, that’s a little lie. We also started packing a little early. I needed to work out how much luggage we were going to be able to take with us. By working out how much space I had available in Tiffany’s panniers and top box.

We found out, by email, that a few items were missing from our shopping to be delivered, so I quickly ordered some stuff from Iceland. They arrived a couple of hours later.

I took a little rest from writing and watched some shows and a movie whilst having something to eat.

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