The Book Report Episode #9
Episode #8
Stephen King On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

Do You Need Some Help Writing?
The Book
Part memoir, part instruction manual. The book was initially published in 2000. And has been updated for the tenth and twentieth anniversary of the book. This book takes you through his life. A brief look at his success. Being Married. About the accident that nearly killed him. To how he writes his books. His routines and his doos and don’ts.
What Did I Think
Generally, I don’t read autobiographies. Although not the longest of biographies. Stephen seems to like getting to the point. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the man who came from nothing and built his empire from scratch. The working man living the American dream, to hit a cliche. With his biggest supporter his wife, by his side.
But that is pretty much what he did. Learning to write whilst trying to pay his bills. And because he didn’t stop doing what he loved he has the success he has today.
The Things You Need To Succeed
The how-to-write section is also brief and to the point. And even though his style seems to be to the point, his details are really clear and easy to understand. He calls the things you need to help succeed the Toolbox. And that’s because that is what it is.
With his help, you start with the basics of how to start writing. Although you don’t have to follow his routine exactly like he does. But a routine is needed. Then when you have written your story the next steps of editing and publishing and maybe getting an agent. Although maybe not in that order. But there is also, maybe, the small problem of maybe some of his stuff being out of date. The connecting with a publisher or agent part. I do not know I haven’t attempted that myself.
Anyhow the beginning of the toolbox isn’t out of date. And I don’t think it ever could. They are simple rules that anybody can live by.
The final section is a continuation of his memoir. Where he writes about his accident. In 1999 whilst minding his own business, going for a walk along a main road he was run over by a construction worker not looking where he was going and nearly killing him.
Would I Recommend
Yes, I would. For the simple pleasure of learning from such a well-established author and probably one of the all-time greats.
To those wanting to learn from one of the greats. All in all, this book is a great start on your journey or for those people who have already started and maybe have gotten lost and need a quick slap in the face to get back on track with some simple instructions. In brief, this book is for you.
If you want to learn about the life of Mr. King. You will not get a lot from him. He could have gone into a lot more detail about his life and his very long career. However, I suspect he likes to keep his private life, private. That’s probably why we are getting the short version of events.
To that end, I would really like to read more. I know it may sound weird. Above all, I would like to read more about his normal average life. Sure he is a little bit more than average. But even his life without the books is just normal. And that sort of thing would be comforting to many people.

I thought I would check for myself. But as far as I can see. Although there are biographies. They aren’t written by Mr King.
Maybe it will. Maybe it won’t happen. But I will be waiting just in case.
Would you like to purchase your very own copy? Try these shops: Amazon UK USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK USA. eBay UK USA. Or maybe your local bookshop. Or maybe try your local library.