The Book Report Episode #6
Episode #5
Continuing our Google list of Best Books of all time.

Beware! The Daughters of Bennet Are Coming!

This book was first published in 1813. Pride and Prejudice is said to be one of Jane Austin’s many classics and one of the best books of all time.
It follows the Bennet family. Mrs Bennet has her sights on getting her daughters married off. But in doing so. Makes sure they end up in a decent family with titles and money. Mr Bennet isn’t the happiest man in the world about this. But goes along with it all to keep his wife happy. A total of five daughters are up for grabs.
Look out, men! These women are coming for your influence and prestige. Oooh! Sexy!
Mrs Bennet is also concerned with losing her homestead when her husband dies, As there is no male heir. The closest male heir is a cousin who would inherit everything with the potential to boot everyone out of their home. But in light of this. Mr Bennet is fine and healthy. Strong as an Ox. But could die at any second due to life.
What Did I Think?
This was a bit of a nightmare for me. The reading of a book like this about women talking and talking and talking and talking: debating how to get a man that they like the look of. Then, they decide whether they are worth their time and day. I know you had to be there, but come on.
It seems to be that not a lot has changed in the last couple of hundred years. Women are still trying to get their riches and prestige by hooking up with the right partner. But the difference is that two hundred years ladies learn party tricks to attract a potential partner, like singing, sewing, etc. Today, it is more like they have a series of photos for social media.
I suppose that could be classed as a skill.
Modern feminists would be proud. The women know what they want, and with some spirit, they will do anything to get it.
Mr. Darcy would, I suppose, be classed as a sort of goth. Always brooding, not interested in anything and anyone, slightly normal. Arrogant. He does not know how to express himself appropriately. But everyone around him sees him as a stud. But it turns out he is a bit shy.
The Story
Three-quarters of the book is set around the various daughters using their “skills” to interest the men. And then a little drama happens, which was a relief. Something interesting might happen. And it was for about five minutes. No. I am sorry. That was a lie. In short, Mr Wickhen had attracted the youngest Bennet and ran off with her. Believing he led her astray due to his bad reputation disclosed by Mr Darcy. But it turns out the daughter helped initiate it.
Due to a false start between the two main characters and lies being said. Mr Darcy told the truth in a letter, got his arse in line, and after a couple of attempts. Able to marry Elizabeth Bennet.
Because of a potential engagement, we even get a brief attack from the be-all and end-all from the aunt, Lady Catherine. She was quickly told to do one, and that was that.
This story also involved very long walks, Carriage rides and visiting grand houses, viewing them like museums. With a touch of boasting afterwards. Mainly with knowing certain people.
The language of the period took a while to get my head around. Speaking for an hour to say something simple nowadays was a lot to take in.
Would I Recommend?
No. Simple as that. No. But…
Certain people would love this book. The people who love the gaggle of women talking. The chance of romance. Well… Is it really a romance? I think it’s more of an arrangement to start with. Yes, it may begin with an attraction. And because of that attraction, you go straight to marriage? But then, later down the line, it may lead to romance and maybe love. But what if it turns the other way?
Although, at least, back then, they didn’t spend that much time together or alone. They didn’t even sleep in the same bedroom. In any event, it seems, they were never really alone most of the time. There was always someone visiting to stay for a while or party games.

If you are curious, please give this book a read.
However, if you have no interest in reading the book. But are interested in listening, maybe try this audiobook.
Would you like to purchase your very own copy? Try these shops: Amazon UK USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK USA. eBay UK USA. Or maybe your local bookshop. Or maybe try your local library.