The Book Report Episode #41
Episode #40
How to Become The Dark Lord and Die Trying By Django Wexler

Dark Book Davi: Book One
The Book
This was first published on 21st May 2024 by Orbit. I believe the copy I have is a 2nd or 3rd print. The book has 432 pages but the story ended, well the first book ends on page 387. Then some acknowledgements. And then, Another book suggestion. Which is a couple of chapters long.
What Did I Think
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. A ride of: Can she do it? Why is she doing it and should she be doing it? And just as much of who cares, let’s do it anyway. A personal point of view or fourth wall book where Davi could be on her advenures or writing her memoirs but she is talking to the reader, at the same time, while doing so.
While you read along her adventures. A section at the bottom of the page for some of her extra thoughts on each matter.
Davi had had enough of what she thought could have been a thousand years of time loops, since she arrived from Earth, according to her references on pop culture making it from atleast 2023. Every time she dies she returns to a fountain and a wizard telling her of a prophecy. And she has died a couple of hundred times. Trying to do the right thing and ends up losing every single time.
Now it’s her turn to be the bad guy and take over the title of the Dark Lord. Well not so much the bad guy, just the Dark Lord.
The Task
Over time she gathers a horde and works their way to the Convocation to challenge to be the next Dark Lord. She has had to die a few times to get to a point where she can convince the would-be horde on to her side. At the same time, she tries to bang anything with a pulse. She also has the problem of rebuilding her body back up as she reverts to her former self.
The Horde consists of Orks and Wilders from various factions and the rock people. Wilders are a myriad of animals, that are bipeds. She also shares an ability with them that the normal human can not do. There are stones of various colours the humans can only use when casting spells. But the other animals and monsters can eat them and absorb the abilities of each colour.
Davi goes through hell and back to work out what and how she is to do what she needs to do. Her, nearly one thousand years of life experience, helps her get what she needs to place her on the right course to achieve her goals.
She will be betrayed so Davi will have to learn who she can trust.
Mr Wrexler writes his characters well and seems to be enjoying the ride as much as the reader. The characters feel real in the situations they are in and you get to know them as they travel to their destination. I knew the Orks could be nice.
It is an absolute shame, that I will have to wait just under a year for the next book to be released. May 2025. I want to read it now. This would also probably mean that the third instalment will come out in 2026. I do not like waiting.
The other problem, well not a major one. This book never came out in a hardback edition. Straight to paperback. It is strange but not unusual. But still strange. I would have loved to have a hardback copy for my library to be. Don’t tell the missus.
But other than that the book is easy to read, nothing too taxing so I was swimming through the pages very quickly.
Would I Recommend
Abso-bloody-lutely! This is maybe one of my top picks of the year so far. If you enjoy a medieval-style fantasy with a hint of comedy and the adventurer talking to you while she goes about her journey. Head to your bookshop now!
Please give this book a try.

Would you like to purchase your very own copy?
You could try these online stores: Amazon UK/USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK/ USA, Barnes and Noble and eBay UK/ USA.
Alternatively, you could try your local bookshop or even your local library.
P.S… A little Extra

There is an extra story, added to the end of the novel. A way to get you to maybe, buy another book. I am intrigued by the story. It is only a couple of chapters long. A sample from A novel called Perilous Times by Thomas D Lee.
What I can gather from the two chapters. The knights of Arthur and the Round Table die and return when they are most needed. They do this by arising from underneath various trees around England.
But something has changed when Kay tries to help a young lady. He doesn’t know that she is an activist and has set off bombs in the building belonging to the Saxon company. But because the bomb mixes with other elements in the building and ground. Pretty much casting a spell, creating a riff that draws in a Queen Dragon.
Lancelot awakes from under his tree and is taken to a bar to change. The United Kingdom is no more and parts of London are flooded. I believe; it is set at least twenty to thirty years in the future. He is told about what has occurred and goes off to find the sword that should help.
From what I have read, so far. I do like and some reviews are up and down. I am not sure if I will read it or not I will have to see. It’s a good start.