The Book Report Episode #36
Episode #35
Fragile Things By Neil Gaiman

The Book
First published in 2007. This is a collection of short stories and poems, Mr Gaiman wrote over the years. My copy is the 28th published edition by Headline Publishing Group from 2013. The book has 440 pages with credits.
What Did I Think
I have to admit I wasn’t completely satisfied with this book. But you can say that about a lot of things. A new album from your favourite band you never enjoy every song. It’s the same with this book. I enjoyed a few stories but most were just okay. One I did smiled at and of course, I always love another American Gods story.
Mr Gaiman, I would like some more American Gods Stories. Pleeeaasssseee!
Here are some of the stories and poems I liked:
A Study In Emerald
The first story in the book is about the adventures of Sherlock Holmes… But not at the same time. It is a crossover with the H P Lovecraft universe, which I will get around to reading one day.
Queen Victoria is a squid creature from outer space. And they have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. The story is a sort of rewrite of A Study in Scarlet, the very first Sherlock Holmes story. The squid creatures have slowly involved themselves in to lives of everyday people. And the Duke has been assassinated. Can Sherlock work out who did it?
There is a hidden twist at the end. Everybody isn’t what they seem to be.
Other People
A man goes to hell and is tortured for thousands of years only to find out… Well, I am not going to spoil it for you. But I can say the loop will run for all eternity. This story gave me the Oh! moment. Which I do enjoy.
The Day the Saucers Came
A whole chain of events happened and you didn’t notice anything. This was the story I smiled at because of how simply true it probably would be if this happened.
The Monarch of the Glen
The final story in the book is an American Gods Short. Shadow is still travelling and ends up in another small village in Scotland. Minding his own business he gets hired to work security at a house in the middle of nowhere. He has a few dreams and meets some nice and not-so-nice people… Or are they?
It is just nice to meet up with Shadow again.
There is a total of 27 stories after the introduction. So there will be something for you to like.
Do I Recommend
It’s Neil Gaiman! Of course, I am going to recommend it! Even if you don’t like every story, there will always be one or two that stick in your mind.
Please give this book a go.

Would you like to purchase your very own copy?
You could try these online stores: Amazon UK/USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK/ USA, Barnes and Noble and eBay UK/ USA.
Alternatively, you could try your local bookshop or even your local library.