The Book Report Episode #34
Episode #33
Before the Coffee Gets Cold By Toshikazu Kawaguchi

The Book
This is the first which will soon be a set of five books, published in 2015 by Sunmark Publishing Inc. Then it was translated into English and published in 2019 by Picador, an imprint of Pan Macmillan. My copy was published in 2023. The book has 214 pages and an advertisement for the other books.
What I didn’t know, when researching, was that the book has already been made into a movie in 2018 called Cafe Funiculi Funicula. Below is the trailer:
What Did I Think
Welcome to Funiculi Funicla. A basement cafe down a narrow side alley in the heart of Tokyo. It’s not really a secret. But, unless you know, you know. The cafe comes with a surprise. This is a time-travelling cafe. But… There are rules. And once you get through those rules, you will decide whether you want to or can continue.
You meet the people who run the cafe and the unique customers who frequent it. Even though you don’t know anyone, at the beginning you will feel close to each of them as you make your way through the book.
The book is set up as four individual stories of people who have managed to travel through time. Their problems and the answers they get through the travel. The first problem with travelling is waiting. There is a lady that sits on the chair you need to go anywhere. Only that chair. The lady who sits on it is a ghost. All she does is sit there, drink coffee and read her book. She will not give that chair when asked. The only time you can travel anywhere is when the lady goes to the toilet. Otherwise, she doesn’t budge. But take too long on your trip, and you replace her.
Now, this book isn’t amazingly life-changing. Anything like that. This is another relaxing drama, that is a light read. Easy to follow and never too taxing.
I did enjoy this book a lot. I was a bit dubious about reading this book for some reason. I don’t know why. But I am glad I finally gave this book a shot. I am looking forward to the next.
Would I Recommend
Did you want an easy read? Nothing too taxing. A set of simple life stories that you can feel a part of. Then, I can do nothing but recommend this book. I am glad I went against my better instincts and gave this book a go.
So, please give this a try.

Would you like to purchase your very own copy?
You could try these online stores: Amazon UK/USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK/ USA, Barnes and Noble and eBay UK/ USA.
Alternatively, you could try your local bookshop or even your local library.