The Book Report Episode #24
Episode #23
Diddly Squat A Year on the Farm By Jeremy Clarkson

The Book
This is book one of a series of books, that go alongside the TV series Clarksons Farm. This book coincides with season one.
Diddly Squat: A Year on the Farm, was first published in 2021 by Penguin Random House, with illustrations by Garry Walton. The Book has 208 pages.
What Did I Think
After the big read from my previous book, I needed something a little lighter. And this book provided that help. The book is a sort of diary of the happenings of Jeremey Clarkson’s farm, which he wrote about in his news column at The Times, But told in chapters of months during a yearly period.
Mr Clarkson is a man who doesn’t care about your pointless woke movement and will do things his way and you will like it. If not, do one.
But he has one major nemesis trying to stop his plans: The Local Parish Council.
Mr. Clarkson is on a mission: To become a farmer. He will fail. A lot. But he doesn’t care. He has a dream and “genius” ideas, that in his mind, can save the UK and possibly farming itself. Watching and reading about his failures and him wondering why it hasn’t worked, is some of the charm which brings people back time and time again. He knows how to entertain people. Even those who hate him keep coming back for more.
Could he end up becoming a vegetarian? Well, it was close. But no.
The characters he brings along in the series aren’t mentioned much in the book, which is a shame. But as Mr Clarkson is the star of the show. Everyone else is second fiddle. I don’t believe it’s intentional. But, sadly, it turned out that way. And the way Kaleb has bounced out into the world, I do not think it matters.
Nothing Will Stop Him
He goes through the motions of buying and learning everything he needs from the people around him. Mr Clarkson tries everything he can to improve the world around him for profit and nature. And if you have seen the series you know he gets one sort of right. And although everything nearly goes tits up. This doesn’t stop his determination. He will succeed somehow even if it kills him.
During this time of the creation of the series and the book he also has to deal with the problems of Covid. That was a fun time.
The one thing he did create which is genius is that he created merchandise, a website and a shop. Not in that order. While the series is around it will be a constant money maker. Will it make a profit, well, we will see.
Would I recommend
Suppose you enjoyed the series and want more of what Mr Clarkson thinks about life and the world. Then yes, I would recommend this book. Or just like a light reading to help relax and pass the time. This is an easy-to-read book that works well in that regard. So when you are ready, please give it a go.

Would you like to purchase your very own copy?
You could try these online stores: Amazon UK/USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK/ USA, Barnes and Noble and eBay UK/ USA.
Alternatively, you could try your local bookshop or even your local library.