The Book Report Episode #22
Episode #21
The Book That Wouldn’t Burn By Mark Lawrence

The Book
This is the first book of what will be a trilogy. American-British author, Mark Lawrence, wrote the book. It was first published in 2023 by Harper Collins Publishers. The book has 566 pages and a “quote” at the top of every chapter. He even quoted himself.
What Did I Think
Spoilers Ahead
Holy crap this is an intense book. Okay well not that intense. But still, it is a great story.
Initially, the book is two stories: The story of Livira, and the story of Evar. But most of the book centres around Livira. Her journey to become a librarian. Even though it wasn’t how she started, destiny got involved and directed the Sabbers to do their thing, to start Livira’s journey and more. She has never stopped fighting while having fun at the same time.
Livira isn’t her real name. But according to the author, she can’t remember it. She was nick-named after a persistent weed that grows in any conditions in the desert wastelands where she lived in the beginning. Her parents are presumed dead as she lives with her Aunt.
Evars story is about how he wants to leave the library. Where he has lived, all of his life and knows nothing else. And all this was caused by the Sabbers. He has had two assistants that have helped to raise him. But he doesn’t know who they are.
He is also looking for love. But also wants to know what love is.
This was a clever twist, I didn’t see coming. The use of one word: Sabber. It was being used by both sides of the conflict to mean the same thing “enemy”.
The story is set over a period of about ten to fifteen years for Livira and about a few days for Evar. The years that Livira lives are set in those few days, that Evar is in the Exchange. It turns out that the present day is set in Evar’s timeline. Meanwhile, Liviras world is set in the past.
The Comparison
One instant became a major plot point of the book. The ability to jump to different timelines, in the place, called the Exchange. When this happened, the first time, I was automatically reminded of the same thing from the book and TV series The Magicians, created by Lev Grossman, which I love.
In The Magician’s world. The portals are doors to other worlds, But, somewhat, overseen by the Library.
I didn’t know how this was going to continue. But Mr Lawrence turned the portals into a character, although non-sentient.
Similar to Stargate.
The difference, which I read later in the book. The portals are of one world but at different times in the library’s history.
I do miss The Magicians.
Questions I do have: When did the library start? How old is the library? I know there are two main people/Gods. I know they were involved in creating the legend of the library. But who else was involved? Is this a future Earth? Was there some mutation in that part of the population that changed into a different species? Who are the insect species? Why are they intent on killing everything?
Did all three species come from the same planet or was their planet invaded? If so, how long ago? To get to a point where their technology is pretty much gone. Apart from the technology in the library with the assistance and the helpers.
Who are the Escapes? This isn’t explained. Are they the insect species? They turn up at certain parts of the story and start killing. Maybe we will find out in the next book.
I do love the characters of Volente the Dog and Edgarallen the Raven. These are guides and protectors of the books in the library. It would be wise not to mess with them!
Yute is an important character in the story. But not the main. He was an assistant, with his wife, transformed into a human. He was, I supposed, a type of father figure to Livira. The sort. That pops up every so often for an update. And pushes things in the right direction. But I feel this isn’t completely the case. Yute as I understand him, knows how everything will happen, and because of that. He makes sure the timeline continues the way it should. I believe, he saw himself in the timeline and knew he had to get involved. And the fact he knew what was going to happen to Livira near the end of the book.
Mr. Lawrence tries a romance between Livira and Evar. But it does feel a bit forced, for the story’s sake. It might not have been necessary.
This character seems to be the most underutilized. Fair enough, he is the warrior and protector of the story but when he appears you know some action is about to happen. These interactions happen, over a series of years with large gaps in between. To a point where I feel that Malar deserves his own novel. It would tell his story over the years and his small interactions with the other characters in the main story. Something similar to Belgarath the Sorcerer by David and Leigh Eddings.
Maybe even Yute could have a similar story written. No pressure Mr Lawarence.
It All Comes Together
Like all books, the ending is when the poop hits the fan. And no different in this case. The apocalypse happens and everyone runs and does what they need to do, to deal with the situation. Some things are explained, for example, how Evar’s ancestors ended up in the library and how the journey started, to get to the point, at the end of this part of the story. But like most non-complete chapters. We will have to wait for the next book to get more answers.
Would I Recommend
Yes, I would! It’s been a long time since I have been on an epic journey and it hasn’t ended. Two short stories have been released and I will read them when I get the chance. The second part is set to be released on the 22nd of April 2024. I have already ordered my signed copy.

Mr Lawrence is very active on social media so you could always see what he is up to, or even interact. He even commented on a couple of my posts.
Would you like to purchase your very own copy?
You could try these online stores: Amazon UK/USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK/ USA. Barnes & Noble and eBay UK/ USA.
Alternatively, you could try your local bookshop or even your local library.