The Book Report Episode #21
Episode #20
The Last Hero by Terry Pratchett & Illustrated By Paul Kidby

The Book

Another book from my to-be-read bookshelf.
This is the 27th story from the universe of Terry Pratchetts Discworld. Originally published in 2001 by Gollancz.
What Did I Think
I think I have read this book before. But It has been so long that I had forgotten until I was a little while into the book.
The story is about Cohen the Barbarian and his last mission to return fire, back to the Gods, with a little something extra. The only problem is that the people in power believe this could end the world. By destroying the Gods you destroy existence. Cohen is joined by his old barbarian friends “The Horde”, and even an enemy, the Dark Lord. They have also kidnapped a Bard to create a saga, of their final adventure.
Meanwhile in the city of Ankh Morpork. Lord Vetinari, the man in charge finds out what is going on and wants to stop them. Calling on the help of Leonard of Quirm and the wizards of the invisible university, they work on a plan to stop them.
The home of the gods is filled with magic. If the magic goes, the Discworld dies. Well, that’s the theory. Nothing is said otherwise.
This also gives the excuse for the scientists and wizards to find out if the Discworld is actually on top of four elephants and a turtle. So they construct a “plane/rocket” to beat the horde to the top of the mountain and hopefully stop them.
The Gods, of course, watch everything that the children are doing. And without fear, permitting the chess pieces to do their thing.
The adventures of the occupants of Discworld. It is always a fun and wonderful place to visit. When I get the chance. There is nothing dark in the sense of pure evil. But an almost best friend, dragging you by the ankles, against your will, type for fun.
Charming, witty and nice. This book doesn’t fail to deliver this.
The Horde have followed a set of rules. These rules control whether they win or not. Sticking to the rules, you can always win a battle or prize. Deviate from the rules and you are destined to lose everything. Cohen and his group know the rules and realise they are changing the odds. But not in their favour. So they flip the script and try to fix the situation.
The Leonardo de Vinic, parody character is pretty much how he is portrayed, as the all-knowing inventor and artist. And Sir Terry doesn’t let go of his abilities as he has him build an amazing flying craft. That is being powered, by little dragons.

The illustrations by Paul Kidby are amazing, bringing to life the work of Sir Terry.

On top of a good story, two of my favourite characters appear Death and Rincewind. Although, I must admit I haven’t read all of the books. But from the few books I have read and from the live-action movies these characters are my favourites. R.I.P Christopher Lee.
Don’t want to read the book? Maybe try the Audiobook.
Would I Recommend
Any fan of Sir Terry Pratchett will love this addition to the world of Discworld. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a bit of bonkers storytelling. And generally likes a titter or chuckle. So, please, give this book a go.

Would you like to purchase your very own copy?
You could try these online stores: Amazon UK/USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK/ USA, and eBay UK/ USA.
Alternatively, you could try your local bookshop or even your local library.