The Book Report Episode #17
Episode #16
Impossible Creatures By Katherine Rundell

The Book
It was published in 2023 and printed in different formats by Bloomsbury.
What Did I Think
The story follows the adventures of young Christopher discovering his family has a secret. But, in his father’s eyes. Believes it is not quite the best or safest secret to have. His family are guardians of a portal to a hidden world called the Archipelago. By definition, a group of islands. But these islands are filled with the magical creatures of myth and legend. But at the centre of it all. Well, not exactly the centre. A tree, the source of all magic in the world that keeps it running and together. The Glimourie.

The Glimourie is dying, but no one knows why. And because of this, the land is going dark, and the magical creatures are dying.
It Started On A Hill
Christopher finds a baby Griffin at the top of a hill near his grandfather’s home. As well as nearly being run over by an assortment of magical creatures. He bumps into Mal. Mal is on the run. A Murderer is after her, and she doesn’t know why. The murderer has just murdered her Aunt, and they must find a place to hide.
This leads them to the start of a grand adventure to save the Archipelago. And find the Immortal who disappeared over a hundred years ago. It turns out that the immortal can die but is instantly reborn again with all of their memories.
I am sorry if the writing seems limited. I don’t want to add spoilers.
The book and story I did enjoy a lot. The characters are written well, and the story evolves fast. But steady pace.
Both primary and secondary characters work well together to achieve what they must do. Again, I won’t divulge much, but the adventures on land and sea are fun and filled with potential dangers.
The Creatures
The names of the creatures can be a mouthful even if you can read them. Are you saying it correctly? Have a go yourself.

I did find the ending to be a bit rushed. It did feel that the author wanted to get the ending done and dusted. I won’t go into detail, in case you would like to read the book yourself.
Fair enough, there is a bit more to it. But that is how it felt reading it. But in general, Miss Rundell’s world is a fantastic addition to a fantasy book. Worthy of any bookshelf to be enjoyed by all ages.
The illustrations throughout the book and cover add a greater detail that is sometimes lost in adult fantasy novels. The art gives you an introduction to the world you are entering.
I can understand why it was Waterstone Children’s Book of the Year. But if it is as successful as they claim it to be. Without a doubt, I am anticipating a TV series or movie to be made within the next few years.
Would I recommend
This is one of those stories everyone should read at least once. I would read more about the adventures of Christopher a few years later, meeting up with the Immortal again. Meanwhile, Christopher continues to learn not only about the magical world. But also his role as a future Guardian.

Would you like to purchase your very own copy?
You could try these online stores: Amazon UK USA, Waterstones, AbeBooks UK USA, and eBay UK USA.
Alternatively, you could try your local bookshop or even your local library.