The Book Report Episode #15
Episode #14
Continuing the list of Google’s best books of all time. The next book on the list is:

Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

The Book
First published on the 11th September, 1954. By London publishers Faber and Faber and has sold over a million copies worldwide.
Set on an island where a group of schoolboys have crash-landed. They were being evacuated because of the war. All of the adults are assumed dead. And so it falls to the eldest kids of the group to bring everyone together and work to survive and find a way to be rescued.
What Did I Think
Spoilers Ahead
The idea of the story is a simple one. Survive and wait to be rescued. But because people are stupid. There will always be one “Karen” or “Kevin” who doesn’t care about why or reasons. Regardless, they must have control.
Ralph, with the help of Piggy, please don’t call him that! We are never told his real name because he is constantly being bullied aside and talked over. Everyone, including Ralph, does this. Piggy’s most significant contribution to the story is that he wears glasses. His lenses are used to create fire. He wants to contribute but is made to look useless. The author doesn’t let you assume otherwise.
And there is Jack, the leader of a musical troupe. And that is where Jack wants to stay, in charge.
The build-up of tension feels real over the length of the book. The kids slowly lose themselves, and Ralph is still trying to be calm and collected. Whilst still trying to keep everyone together on the mission. Meanwhile, Jack is taking control of everyone. His main asset is that he teaches himself how to kill. He is the leader of the hunting group after they find out there are pigs on the island.
One night, a storm arrives. Jack and his group get a bit too rowdy, and because of this, Simon ends up paying the price with his life.
Jack knows he has screwed up. But does what any rational person would. Tries to ignore it and focus their emotional damage on hurting and blaming others and taking more control.
Superstition and fear take over the minds of the youngest. Jack uses this to create a religious figure out of the monster. They must keep the demon happy for them to continue as they are. They place a pig head on a spike. Jack wants everyone to believe this will keep the monster at bay with something to eat.
The monster is never really explained. It could have just been the local wildlife roaming around at night. But it’s left to your imagination and the minds of children. This also doesn’t include the dead airman, which comes along later.
Their task was simple. Work together and keep the fire going. After that, wait to be rescued. It’s not that hard. But because of power corrupting. Piggy is killed. Jack decides that Ralph should be killed next. So the hunt begins, and we end up with a burning island and them being rescued.
The Relief
Afterwards, the tension and stress are finally released when Ralph runs out to the beach and finds a soldier there waiting for them, just knowing there is now someone there to take all of the burdens away from them. They are allowed to unload all their emotions at once, which leaves them balling their eyes out. The soldier leaves them to it. Which I think was the best option at that moment. Not just because of the British stiff upper lip.
The Others
Simon is a character that I can get behind. He wanders off by himself, exploring the island and finding truths he keeps to himself. He may also have some psychological problems separate from everyone else, as he seems to hallucinate. But when he decides to try and give up one of those truths. He is killed.
The true heroes of the group are Sam and Eric “Samneric”. They keep their wits together during the whole story. Even when forced to join the other side, they stick to what they think is right. Although, there isn’t much involved with them in the story. They stand out.
Samneric had each other to deal with everything that was going on. Everyone else was alone. Unable to talk to each other in fear of being weak. At the same time, the twins knew each other enough to help each other when the other was having trouble.
It’s boys trying to be men. But they don’t know that men are just as screwed up.
The Movies
If you don’t want to read the books, then you could have a look at the film versions:
But if you like to listen to the Audiobook instead:
Would I Recommend
This is one of those books that you should read at least once in your lifetime. So I would recommend this book. This is a classic story. Indeed, everyone should know, young and old, how terrible the human race is. But then learn how to be better than Jack.

Would you like to purchase your very own copy?
You could try these online stores: Amazon UK USA, Waterstones, AbeBooks UK USA, and eBay UK USA.
Alternatively, you could try your local bookshop or even your local library.