The Book Report #55
Episode #54
The Word for World is Forest By Ursula K. Le Guin

The Book

This book is from a series called: Ekumen (Hainish Cycle). This novel was published first in an anthology called Again, Dangerous Vision in 1972 by Doubleday.
It wouldn’t be for another four years when they would publish as a single novel in 1976, published by Berkley/Putnam.
My copy was first published in Britain in 2022 by Gollancz, an imprint of Orion Publishing Group. This copy has 114 pages. That includes the story, a bio and a couple of introductions.
What Did I Think
It has been a long time since I have read a science fiction story and I end up with this book. And I am delighted I did.
This is a story about an alien invasion. The invaders think they are being diplomatic by “working” with the local populace and having them “work” for them. Meanwhile, they mine the planet for their wood resources… Until it happens.
One of the planet’s occupants is raped and murdered by one of the aliens and she is killed. The husband of the murdered woman, with help from the peaceful occupants. Destroy and murder a whole campsite. The alien invaders: who are trying to start and create their new federation with other races, are trying to work out how and why and try to fix the situation.
Oh, and the kicker, if you don’t already know. The alien invaders are Humans.
But the main problem, as it is with most entitled people, is that they believe they should be allowed to do whatever they want. But it doesn’t help when some of the people, that are trying to stop this from happening, secretly agree with the racist.
They’re Not Winning?
Even I had a problem. I wanted the humans to win because they are humans. Even if it was for a few seconds. I was stuck in the way of the humans are the best when I know damn well that isn’t true. I completely agree with the natives but why aren’t the humans winning? It felt weird to think that way and maybe that’s the point.
This is probably the first book I have read where the shoe is on the other foot. It is refreshing as the book shows the traits of life we all know and have seen. Instead of covering it up as best we can to make ourselves feel better. The human race is selfish. Yes, I know some are trying their best. But are they doing it for the right reasons? Or is even that intention selfish?
I know this may upset a few people. But it doesn’t stop it being true.
It has to take another race to look at us and act as our mirror to make them understand that they must do better.
Would I Recommend
I can understand why this book is a classic. I am hoping, in the future, to read some more of the series. So yes, I am recommending this story.
I believe some of my morals of right and wrong were fed to me from reading comics and books and watching Star Trek throughout my life. But this book spins me on my head to understand whether, although well-intentioned. Are we doing the right thing? Could I do or be better? In the grand scheme of things, I know I am not much of an influence in this world but other people…
Please give this book a go!

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