The Book Report #49
Episode #48
Shanghai Immortal by A. Y. Chao

The Book
My copy of the book is a first-print paperback edition. The original hardback print was published in 2023, and this copy was published in 2024 by Hodderscape, an imprint of Hodder & Stoughton Limited, a Hatchette UK company.
The book has 342 pages with acknowledgements, credits and an advertisement.
What Did I Think
This story takes place in hell. Well, not the hell you’re thinking of. This hell is an underworld based on the real-world Shanghai in China. But this is the Immortal Shanghai. The Yang to the Yin of the mortal world China. This place is where gods and all versions of deities come to live. The dead, use this place as a crossing-over point before moving on to whatever is next. The dead can also work off their bad Karma debts, so when ready, they can go somewhere nice or reincarnate into something better when they decide to pass on.
I had no idea what this book was about when I first picked it up in Waterstones—reading the first few chapters and learning about Lady Jing. She is half fox spirit and also half Vampire. She is the ward of Big Wang, I do hope they translated that properly. As a child, she was “sold” to him by his mother.
Over the years Big Wang has been looking after her. She is nearly one hundred years old but acts like a teenager. However right she may be she acts like a brat and gets into more trouble than necessary. But turning one hundred comes with responsibilities that Jing has no interest in…
Mr. Lee Has Arrived
The book starts with an advisor, visiting the realm to help prepare for a possible bank in Immortal Shanghai. I don’t know why they need a bank in what is essentially Limbo. But anyway, he arrives and finds that someone screwed up and didn’t give him the right talisman for safe passage in this realm. Jing has to find a safe way through the city and get to Big Wang’s hotel without Mr Lee getting eaten.
The book is a fantasy, drama, romance story. The romance side of the story has been written well. Lady Jing has to learn, accept and control, her emotions in the same process: mature in a short space of time. Meanwhile, the suitor has to stop trying to be so stiff. Most of the time I wasn’t sure if it was going to happen or if they should bother.
That is why I know it was written well. It annoyed me.
The story itself flows nicely. The author gives you enough detail to keep you satisfied and to continue with the plot and subplots of the story. Also what you would think to be the main plot of the story. Isn’t. That is the sub-story. The romance is the main story and the mystery and action are in the background. But for some reason, it just works.
However, I could be completely wrong.
The main characters have to travel between the realms, meeting and learning from new people and places. Discover what is going on and find each other.
The conclusion seemed a bit quick but still wrapped up the story nicely. There is a little bit of action but this descends into a case of who has more power, who has obeyed the rules, and what happens when you don’t and don’t cross with a bigger power. But most of all which one doesn’t matter how old they are, who is the biggest child.
I believe I have found a spelling mistake on page 327. It should say, Wang. But it says Want. So I contacted A Y Chao. And she responded.

Would I Recommend
Absolutely! This was a fun read and I am looking forward to the next chapter, when it is released I think, in 2025.
So please, give this book a go.

Would you like to purchase your very own copy?
You could try these online stores: Amazon UK/USA. Waterstones. AbeBooks UK/ USA, Barnes and Noble and eBay UK/ USA.
Alternatively, you could try your local bookshop or even your local library.