The Bear Comes Home
Day 2 and Part 2 of our little adventure in releasing the remains of my father in law.
We took our time getting up this morning. The missus woke up about an hour later than me, a little worse for wear. I have no sympathy. If you have read my last blog then you would know. I was in no rush and asked the wife when she would like to go out. She decided on 11am and she went off to get ready.

We headed off to the bus stop. Heading to Lakeside shopping center. When we arrived we went to Build-A-Bear. The wife had purchased a bear online. We discussed this together and picked out everything we needed. So with the bear in hand we went in and ask the person who helped us to place a heart inside the bear.

She happily obliged and soon it was done. After we popped in to Superdrug because the wife needed some things and then I wanted to get something to eat. I wanted to try Five Guys as I had heard so much about it. Then I saw the prices and decided that I could wait a bit longer to try them out. So we went to McDonalds instead.
Next stop Purfleet. After waiting for a bus we ended up close to the home of where my father in law use to live. I found a foot path which lead to the Thames river front. The weather was nice but a tad too warm for my liking. I’ve been wanting to spend a little time taking some pictures. Maybe some audio recordings. Even though we weren’t really there for that I did get a little time to take some photos.

During this time we decided on a place to but the last of the ashes. We found a nice large tree and I laid them at the base, in the sunlight.

The wife wanted to see what was happening to the father in laws place. So we walked over. There was someone in there working away. We managed to get some of his post but the workmen had let it get flooded on so they were useless. They went into the bin.

Before heading back I wanted to have a quick walk along the Thames front and try and get some more photos. She wasn’t to happy about walking about that much. She was walking about in her new New Rock boots. Did I forget to tell you she is slowly turning goth? So I told her to sit down on the grass or a bench in the shade whilst I have a quick walk to the end of the path. This is some of what I saw:

I came back and met up with the wife and we set off home again.

Getting home the wife set forth to finish the bear we bought. And here he is. Allow me to introduce Chonky. Note from wife: Apart from the fact that it’s been alittle unsettling that my dad is in the bear, it has been alot of comfort to me.