So What’s Been Happening Recently? #24
One Day in a hospital
17th February
4.20am. Time to wake up and get ready to go out for six. No breakfast allowed. Only allowed to drink water until six. Today is the day of my operation. This is going to be my fourth attempt at getting my Hemorrhoids fixed and the start of waiting around for my bum to heal. So for now I’m just relaxing while my wife gets herself ready and I stay hydrated.
Whilst waiting to get ready to go out thought I would take my kindle and put a copy of the new Eoin Colfer novel High Fire on it. Only to find out that I have missed out on another Artemis Fowl Novel. Great! Now I have to search for a hardback first print if available. I’m not sad. Just annoyed that I missed out on this new book in the series. But it will be fun to search and getting my hands on the Fowl book.
5.52am. Not bad. In the last twenty minutes I’ve managed to make myself pretty, for the doctor. Even though that’s not what they are interested in. And found a special edition, hardback, signed copy of The Fowl Twins.
5.53am. The father in law has arrived to take us to the hospital.
6.05am. We’re off to the hospital.
6.23am. We have arrived. We are a bit early so we hanged around outside until closer to the time. The weather is not that bad this morning. A little chill in the air but okay.
That’s New!
6.45am. We make our way in.
6.55am. Having wondered around for while we made it to our destination. Now we wait for the doors to open.
7.01am. We’re in. With a whole slew of people. We are placed in our sections in various rooms and now the waiting commences. The chairs they have here are comfy. I do love these high back chairs.

7.17am. Two nurses arrive to check my details. Check my blood pressure and to size me up for some lovely socks that prevents blood clots. They supply me with carrier bags with my name on in for different clothes and my glasses. Also I got hold of some lovely new underwear.

7.42am. Starting to get hungry now.
7.50am. The doctor comes in to discuss my procedure.
8.20am. Got bored so I checked on my computer at home and sorted a few things. Ain’t technology great!!
8.28am. The anesthetist arrives to check some more of the same details.
8.40am. Spoke to the head surgeon. Seemed concerned about how many operations I have had. But seems okay to continue. Second on the list. Hopefully not much longer.
9.05am. I have just been told I have about half an hour until I go in.
10.05am. I think It’s nearly time. Have been told to get changed. Half hour my arse.
11.15am. Wow. Soon seems 10 tens longer than a few minutes. And we’re off. Saying goodbye to the missus. And off to theatre. Myself and the nurse walked out of admissions and walked down to theatre. Inside we made our way to a bed. And I got set up. My glasses were taken and when I was set up in the bed I was pushed to another waiting area. It’s not nice not being able to see properly. And people think you are staring at them not realising that I probably can’t see them in the first place. Eventually I was pushed into another theatre waiting area. Here was also where they started sticking needles and pads on my body. I was finally able to see a clock and it was about 11.45am. Before I went under the time was just gone 10 to 12. I felt the needle go in and the coldness of the chemicals going up my arm. Mask on my face and asked to take long, deep breaths…
I woke up around 01.25pm. I was drowsy. So I enjoyed the oxygen. And slowly got less groggy. The nurse came over and offered tea and custard cream biscuits. Yum! And I gulped them down. I think it was just gone two when I was sent back to admissions. And waited for more tea and a corned beef and tomato sandwich. I also had a jug of water. Which was also knocked back. I decided to get dress. Partly because my arse was exposed to the world with a wad of blue gauze stuck to my anus.
03.50pm. I have had the compulsory food and drink and had been to the toilet. My head is still cloudy and I am waiting for the nurse to take this needle out of my hand. I had several blood pressure tests done and everything seems ok. Also I am waiting for nurse to bring me some DRUGS!
04.20pm. The needle is taken out.

04.27. DRUGS! And instructions on how to use them. Being told I am not allowed to lift anything heavy and the usual things. Home time. Wooohooo!
04.43pm. On our way home. My wife bought me B.L.T and a brownie. Whilst the father in law filtered his way through rush hour traffic.
05.05pm. Finally got home and time to relax. But before that we had to get a few things sorted. Set up the bed and sofa with a mat to prevent leakage going on them. I am using what I had left over from last time. A Drynite product and when I run out I will be trying the Tesco versions as well. And I am also back to wearing my wonderful Man nappies. The Tena ones I used before and also a Tesco version to try out.
Oh and my wife enjoyed having to help me take the wadding of gauzes off my but crack. Loving the bloody rags falling on her hands. That’s marriage for you.
After settling down we ordered a take away. We tried a new place called New World in Grays. Since our normal place The New Monsoon was closed. Not bad, the curry sauce was okay. The food was plenty. Finishing of the night with catching up on our shows.