So What’s Been Happening Recently? #22

So What’s Been Happening Recently? #22

Christmas Day 2019

After finally waking up about 10ish. I set to work cooking my pork joint for dinner later. But there was a problem. It went out of date fours months ago. Great! So that went in the bin. Not all was lost though, luckily I had a gammon joint still in date in the freezer. So that would do fine.

While I was setting that up the wife decided to get up and get ready for the day.

We had nothing really planned. Just stay at home and relax. No visiting anyone, just chilling.

On to the presents, the missus couldn’t wait and started handing me her presents she got me, waiting for my reaction.

From my sister I received three more Volbeat albums to help complete my collection. My wife got me, which did surprise me. All of the John Wick movies. Which was cool. She also got me a collection of Kevin Smith on stage dvds plus an animated movie. Star Trek: The Next Generation “The Long Journey” Bluray box set. Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3 part 2 Bluray box set and a Slipknot t-shirt. Which again surprised me.

I got my wife a plush I got last year, that she wanted another one of. Chucky from Funko. Also a another Funko plush set of the Hellboy movies. Ron Perlman version. And a collection to help finish her series of films and TV shows starring Simon Pegg. As much as I could get in Bluray and the rest in DVD.

After we tidied away the rubbish. We spent the day watching tele and eating food and relaxing. Until it was time for Call the Midwife and Gavin and Stacey. This was what everyone was waiting for. Personally I wanted to watch Doctor Who, which I now had to wait for New Years Day. Not cool BBC. But anyway Gavin and Stacey was good and the being left off with a potential new series was nice. Even though it had been away for ten years they hadn’t missed beat.

So that was pretty much our day. And all I had waiting for me was the next day I was back at work. Fun times.

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