So What’s Been Happening Recently? #20

So What’s Been Happening Recently? #20



So today was a big day for my blog. I moved over to WordPress from Blogger. I am hoping that I can have more control over how I present my ideas. On Blogger the website was, in my opinion, restricting. So I am hoping I can do a lot more. Also, build on what I have achieved so far.

It is a bit overwhelming but I am getting there. I have to learn a lot in a short space of time. but it’s getting there. I have had to purchase some server space, which I will not need to do again for another 3 years. I am going to try and build my Blog up and hopefully try and reach as many people as possible.

Over the next few days, I have got my website up and running. Learned about the importance of plugins. Created a Facebook page for my site and have placed myself on Instagram, and Tumblr and I am already on Pinterest. I even set up a page for my wife so she can continue with her stories and hope it can help with her anxiety, which has made her unable to work. She also has a new username Crazy Unicorn. Which comes a little later.


It’s been nearly a year and a half since I collapsed at work and I am still without a diagnosis. My knee had been consistently giving out on me. Once nearly every four to five weeks. And because of this, I have had to take a couple of days off work to heal, every time. My manager at this point thinks something fishy is going on. So has put me on a stage at work and has asked me to find out what is going on with my knee. As they cannot accept I don’t have a diagnosis as an answer. Which is fair enough.

So a few weeks ago I went to my doctor and arranged an x-ray of my knee and today I got a phone call from my doctor. She confirmed that I have Arthritis in my knee. Which I have to admit, shocked me a bit. Why? Because I now have something officially wrong with it. And Arthritis is a serious condition, that has no cure. A condition that will slowly get worse over time. And I will have to deal with the slow, slow destruction of my knee dissolving. I am not sure if that’s what actually happens. But it’s there and I will have to deal with it. So fun times.

Even though nothing has really changed in my life. It’s just that I now have a name for my problem and it was a bit unsettling.

I immediately wrote an email to my manager and one other at work telling them about what has happened and the diagnosis of my knee. I got no reply. I left it a day or two. And then chased my manager up to ask if they had received my email. They just said yes they got my email. And then walked away.

I didn’t know how to take this. Were they really busy and in a rush to get back to work? Were they embarrassed to find out I was telling the truth and couldn’t face me and talk about it? I wasn’t going to chase them about it. Seeing as it’s not my job to do so, they should be coming to me.

So I have embraced my newfound information and Joked about it at work, stating I am now officially part of the old man’s club.

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