So What’s Been Happening Recently? #15
So The two weeks slowly pass and I healed alot better and quicker than the previous operation. Whilst waiting I relaxed watched films and tv shows and anything else to pass the time. As I was going to get my new motorcycle soon I wanted to get some new equipment for the new bike.
The first thing I got myself was a new helmet. I love my old one but it had one thing missing from the first helmet I bought. Bloody hell, it was eight years ago. It as a flip up face.
My first motorcycle was a Honda CG125 2008. This was the bike that I passed my test on. It was the same type of bike being used at the riding school I did a week course at. I had done my C.B.T (Compulsory Basic Training) on the week before. I had used the shares that were given to me by the company I work for to help pay for it. Thanks company I work for. I really did love that bike and always when looking for a new bike I try to have something close to that original. But that is near on impossible. I really don’t know why. On the week course I managed to pass my Module 1 after a second attempt. And I failed my Module 2 on the first attempt. It was clear to me that I wasn’t ready. So I went away and bought Babs (Barbara). My wife named her after her late grandmother.
I took the week course in march and redid my the test again in October with some on and off tutelage from the father in law. And passed with only two minors. I didn’t go fast enough in a 60. I didn’t know so I stuck to 40.
After a while It was time to buy a new bike. So in 2016 I went and bought Jennifer. A Kawasaki Versys 650 Grand Tourer. Jennifer was named after She-Hulk whos real name is Jennifer Walters. Lets face it the name fits as Jen was a Beast.

I also purchased a bluetooth device for my wife. But as she doesn’t go out with me often I bought a cheap device from ebay which works really well with my sena. So she’s happy.
So the day finally came when we went to get the new motorcycle. The wife came with me and we headed off to Bacon’s Motorcycles. It did feel weird giving the bike away for a new one. Like I somehow abandoned her. I had to return a week or so later and she was still in the parking area. It still felt like I had done a bad thing.
And here she is. Tiffany. Named after Chucky’s girlfriend from the Child’s Play movies. My Kawasaki Vulcan S 650cc. I added some modification to her. A DC outlet, windscreen, topbox and panniers (side luggage). Wheel reflectors in red. Tank protector decals. Front protector roll bars. GPS Holder. Backrest for pillion rider. I also bought a key case so I wouldn’t scratch the tank.
After doing all the needed paperwork and the of rest the accessories were added we went home. There was a problem on the way back though. We were on the M25, we hit a bump in the road when my Riderscan fell off. It’s a 180 degree mirror that sits on the windscreen to help me see more of what’s around me. I manage to catch it the first time. But after some quick shopping at West Thurrock, Lakeside. I put it back on, hit another bump and off it went, bouncing down the road getting scratched up. I went back to Bacon’s and got it replaced. But that also fell off on the M25. Likely I caught it. I took it home and replaced the 3M glue and put it back on. This time leaving it overnight. And now it wont budge.
A couple of months later I invested in front and back cameras from a company called Motowolf, again getting a good deal on ebay. And lastly GPS tracker from Monimoto. No good deals available here as you have to get direct from company only.
I have been riding Tiff for about four months now. I am quiet enjoying it. The only thing that still bothers me even though I am used to it now. Is having to put my feet forward, instead of below me.