So It’s Been A Year. And…..

     So…. I’m sitting on my recliner. Relieving as much pressure off my arse. Due to hemorrhoid surgery I had on the 28th March. Wearing some lovely man nappies. Realising it’s been a year since I started writing these blogs.
     Nothing really major has happened in my life. I’ve been to a few places, watched a few movies, perused some TV shows, read a few books. Bought a few things. But nothing major.
     What have I learned? Pretty much what I always knew in some way.

  i, Don’t be a dick. Even though some people like dick. It’s never good to be one.

 ii, You don’t know everything. And you never will. You will find someone in your life who thinks they know how the universe works in every detail. Trust me they don’t. And that’s okay. When you admit that to yourself. It’s then you can start to open your mind to unlimited knowledge. You won’t spend your time lying to yourself and others.

iii, Don’t rely on anybody. In this world we live in, the only person you can really trust is yourself. If you have this as a starting block. Things will become alot clearer. You will have alot more control over the ways things run in your life. I know there will be a few obstacles. But knowledge is the key to everything. If you don’t know something. Find it out. Don’t put yourself in a situation were someone can crap on you and get away with it. There will always be someone who will try.

iv,  Keep those special people close. I know it contradicts the previous statement. But hear me out. You are going to lose a lot of friends and family along the way. Maybe due to fights, losing touch or just plain laziness. But on occasion you’ll find that special someone or someone’s who brings stability, focus, comfort and sometimes love. Even help you be a better person. And for some strange reason they want to spend their life involved in yours. In those moments keep hold. But never forget “iii”.

 v, Just be happy in your own skin. I know you can’t fix everything that goes wrong in your life. The most important thing to start off with is to ask, ‘Am I OK?’ YOU ARE the center of your own universe. If you cannot help yourself. You can never help those around you. So deal with your problems the best way you can. First. Even if that means stopping for a while. Then you can move outward and onward.

     WOW! I didn’t know this was going to end being a Sage moment. I think I’m glad I wrote this.
     I have reread my first blog and I am still scared of nothing. But maybe I have accepted it a little more.  Nope!
     Please, please remember. No matter what! Don’t be a Dick!

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