On Our Travels Again #2
Day 2
Tuesday 8th March. Eventually woke up, around 7 am, and didn’t really do anything yet. I do have some complaints though. The toilet in our room is right next to the piping of the radiator. I have burnt myself three times already. The sink is minuscule and you have to keep pushing the button down to get any water. Not helpful when washing your hands. Or in general really.

This was the view from our window. I tried to clean it with a face cloth but the windows hadn’t been cleaned in a while. Both sides were dirty and the face cloth was white. Not anymore.
We lazied around for a few hours in bed watching The Hoof GP and some more Beard Meats Food. If you enjoy pimple-popping videos try this out.
We eventually got ready. The wife just wanted to stay in bed all day. But there is a whole beach town to explore and she needs to get out even if she doesn’t know it.
We headed out and got caught by the high winds and the sun, full beam in our faces. And it wasn’t even warm. I tried to take some photos whilst barely being able to see the screen on my camera.

The wife needed to pop into boots for some things so we made our way up to the high street. Like most seaside towns there are hills leading up to where we needed to go. We found boots but before we went in we had a quick walk up and down the road to see what was around. It was nearly your typical high street but with a few nostalgia shops with brick ‘n’ brack and stuff. We finally did what we needed to do at Boots and tried to get some gloves for the missus as she was pretty cold due to the winds. We failed.
I was looking for a tourist shop, so I could buy a keyring to add to my collection on my travel messenger bag. We were told about one from the people at boots. Although open they were out of stock.

We went for a little wonder around the streets until the missus stopped at a little shop filled to the rafters with throwaways from people not wanting their stuff anymore. House clearances and so on. The wife found a tree of life necklace that she fell in love with.

Next stop KFC. The wife had been hungering for some Vegan burgers that they sold. We enjoyed our meal whilst the wife watched a seagull loitering outside.
We moved on and went closer to the pier.

I attempted at recording the sounds of the ocean hitting the sea wall. I will check them out later. There is an information centre. The white building above. But it was closed. I was hoping to get my keyring there. I would have to try again tomorrow. There was also an attempt to walk to the lighthouse. But the smell was so great I turned back and the wife was feeling sick.

So we turned back. Walking along the seafront until we were back at the arcades. This pleased the wife a lot and went straight for the crane games whilst I wandered around, looking for some decent ticket machines. I found one or two and continued to walk around. Nothing that really satisfied me. I also had a go at the crane machine. Trying to get my wife an Eeyore. I somehow lost my touch. I was pretty useless.

We left and moved on to the next arcade along. But we didn’t stay. The music was way too loud. Concert level. So we went to the one at the end of the street. This was okay and I manage to get a few tickets here even though their prize selection was poor I ended up with a stack of sweets for us. The wife also did okay in both arcades in the end.

Before we went back to the B&B we made a quick detour to Greggs on the high street. Some snacks for later. And had a quick look in Cex. For those who don’t know. Cex is a second-hand electronics, games and DVD/ Blu-ray shop. There was nothing to tempt us today so we went back to the room.

On the way back I took a closer look at an installation I noticed the day before. I don’t know where the quotes are from but it looked cool I suppose.
Back in the room, we continued to relax and watch YouTube shows. I checked on how my new contract with Vodafone was going and saw there was a problem. They had put me on the wrong tariff. I was given 120 GB of data instead 150 GB. I tried to contact them and managed to speak to someone on the online chat. In the end, they suggested I call them, as they were limited to what they could do in the online chat and they would sort it out for me. So I left it and I would sort it out in the morning.
Even though we were supposed to save some of the Greggs snacks for the next day. I couldn’t help but finish mine off. I suddenly became really hungry. And those sausage rolls are delicious.
The rest of the night was more relaxing on the bed watching YouTube. And for me some Warehouse 13, when the wife fell asleep. Until I was too tired to stay awake.