My Life That Happened In… #9
Episode #8
… June 2024
Sunday 2nd
I received the confirmation email, from my interview. I got the job, which is awesome. But, it was not what I thought it would be. I would lose a lot of money working for them, but by saying that, I would also be working fewer hours.
Accepting the offer, I can support the loss for a few months. I’m hoping. I can fast-track myself to a point where I can be comfortable again. If not, I may need to consider finding another job. Or a second part-time job. We will see.
I need to attend on the 8th, for the induction.
Goodbye to my month off. I suppose two weeks isn’t bad.
Monday 3rd
Not much was done today—more correspondence from my new job. Plus, I needed to double-check the time I started on Saturday.
I have finished another book and started another. I am determined to finish the rest of the books I bought in March last year. There are three books left. One of three started. I am aiming for Saturday to finish them. We will see.
Error!: When I started writing one of my Book Reports. I realised I was wrong. It wasn’t my birthday day out in March. It was my anniversary visit to Oxford Street in July when I bought them.
Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th
My induction days at my new job.
There is a lot to learn, but mostly common sense stuff.
We had a group walk around the warehouse store, and even though I always knew it was there, I didn’t realise it until it was pointed out.
As you walk around some parts of the store, You can hear bird songs or something similar to try and push you into relaxing so you can purchase more things. And in other areas, you can smell coffee or chocolate. Again, they are trying to make you want to buy something to eat or drink.
From my previous blog, I will have to backtrack my promise of helping my brother with a discount, as this is a stackable offence.
I feel okay at the moment. The first day, I did feel my head go a little funny. I had a strong urge to put a hat on to relax. But I held firm, and I got through it. The second day, I was a lot better. I haven’t started in my area yet. So, I will have to wait and see what happens next.
The fast track could be a reality. They want everyone to advance as quickly or as slowly as possible. And the opportunity to be trained in as much as is available. I will be cautious due to past promises and continuous letdowns. I had from my previous job. But I will go forth and be trained on hopefully everything I can get my hands on.
I must be a good boy for the next three months. BuT I WaNt tO Do iT NoW! (Stamps foot)
My first day is on Tuesday morning.
Tuesday 11th
My first shift is over. I am tired but okay. The job itself is easy. But the work is hard. According to my brother, the managers seem impressed by me. I am pleased. We have already started talking about getting trained on the counterbalance, which includes a pay raise and could also increase my hours. So that is not bad.
I did get a bit worn out. I haven’t done that sort of manual labour for a long time, so I was shocked that I had walked 12370 steps by the end of the shift, and my body was okay with it. Usually, when I get close to 10 thousand, my hip gives out. But it was fine. But saying that, it is only the first night, and I don’t know how the rest of the week will be. It could end up being a curse.
I must remember to stay hydrated. Take a bottle.
Thursday 13th
My day off started today, and I am back in on Saturday morning. My body is aching, especially my knee. It’s time to rest for a while. My brother seems to be enjoying having me around at work. I have to admit, it is nice to see family more often.
I didn’t bother going to bed just yet and ended up going to pick up the wife from work.
Amazon Lost A Sale
The wife suggested a quick look in Waterstones. I didn’t say no, and it seemed to be a good thing.
I have been waiting for a book to be released. According to Amazon: More Days at the Morisaki Bookshop. The book I preordered, and I should receive it by July 4th. But it’s already on sale in Waterstones. What was going on? So I cancelled the order and bought it with another book: Before the Coffee Gets Cold. I wanted to start with book one. But previously, I had bought book three by mistake.
This time around. I had earned enough points, to get ten pounds off my total. So, I paid about quid for one of the books.
Thursday 20th
Visiting my brother, I had my first encounter. Returning to my car, I found this waiting for me:
I did find it a little exciting and a little stressful. When I got home, I did wonder about ways around it. But I checked Google Maps for signage, hoping there wasn’t any. But that went nowhere, as they have signs stating everyone needs a permit. To park between 10 am and 3 pm. I was ticketed at 12.31 pm. So I paid for the ticket and phoned my brother to tell him about it. He was pissed. He is trying to get a visitor’s permit.
So, for now, while I wait to get a permit. I will have to limit my time to visit him before 10 am or after 3 pm.
Saturday 22nd
It has been two weeks now since I started my new job. My body is slowly getting used to the work, and my knee seems to be getting stronger, which is fantastic. But the work is still hard.
Because I have now received my final payment from my previous job, I decided to treat the missus to some shopping. So, of course, I took her to work. I needed a few things, and with a semi-decent plant selection, the wife had a field day.
I didn’t want to stay too long as I only just finished a shift an hour before. We did our thing, and after, I treated her to some food from my workplace. It was nice. Here are some of the things my wife allowed me to buy for her:
Tuesday 25th
With a new job, I lose the discount from that previous job. So now I have to find a way to get a little bit of that discount back. To do this I will have to look into shopping in different shops. It will take a while but for now. I will experiment, every month until I get it right. Today that experiment leads to trying to buy cupboard and toiletry items. But, of course, after picking the wife up. We ended up spending more than I wanted. So let me introduce you to another new plant:
Friday 28th
I got my first pay from my new job. It is below what I am used to. But I haven’t worked for a month yet. Also, I will have to get used to not being paid 13 times a year and hope those days that make up that extra bi-monthly pay will make up a little bit of it.
Although, the bonus is I have been able to pay off all my debts. Well, except for the mortgage. I welcome all donations.
Saturday 29th
Attempting something different today: After work and taking the wife to work. I rushed home, got changed and headed to the bus stop. I didn’t fancy driving anymore. Arriving at Grays Station, I met up with my brother and headed to Grays Library.
Grays town centre had a burst pipe, and the high street was partially flooded. But that wouldn’t stop us.
Today, as part of the Essex Book Festival. They were hosting a local authors’ day at the library. And I wanted to have a look around. I wasn’t impressed. My brother did buy some books, and I looked them over. I couldn’t convince myself to like them.
There were only about ten or so tables out. Many were children’s books, a couple of teen and adult books.
I continue to be amazed at my brother, not a care in the world. He will go up to people and say what he wants. I am sure he insulted two people and purchased their books all at the same time. And he doesn’t understand any different. I did have to explain to him about one of the people he spoke to. So he will be remembered for that.
Sunday 30th
I was having an itch to buy a book, as I couldn’t find something the day before. So, as Foyles (Waterstones) bookshop was having a double points weekend, I thought I would go online and treat myself. So I did:
The first book, on the left, I have read the first novel. I liked it. So, I thought I would try the next edition. The rest are just things that caught my eye.
Moving On…
Another month is over, and I am feeling a lot better for it. New changes in my life have improved my mental health. And slowly, my physical health, as well. My new job. Although it has some quirks, we will get there eventually. But I do feel a little safer than before.
The wife wants to join me at my new job. I will try my best to help her. My brother is trying to help as well. We’re waiting for the opportunity. I am confident we can make it happen, with already making a start to upgrade her CV. I am not the best at these things. But I will make it work.
And if everything goes well next month. We will be going away for our anniversary. I need to make sure everything is confirmed.
Meanwhile, I am trying to get onto the new work system, which I am failing, even with the manager’s help.
See ya next time!