My Life That Happened In… #6 Part 2
… March 2024 Part 2
Sunday 10th. Not a good start. I was supposed to be at work. I got my dates wrong. Thankfully, I have an understanding manager: After, a couple of texts asking where I was. He sorted it out for me to have an unpaid day off. I will attend tomorrow.

Wednesday 13th. Went for a walk around Lakeside. The wife had asked for me to pick her up from work. Because of this, I decided to get there a little earlier and get a few things. Also, I could treat myself to a new book from Waterstones. The wife was happy for the lift, and we popped into M&S to buy our dinner.
I did freak out a little when we got to the car park and wondered where Buddi was. Then I realised we were on the wrong floor. So that was fun.
Thursday 21st. Tiffany is due for a service and M.O.T. But because of what happened on the 4th, I have had to purchase a new chain and sprocket set. I have taken Tiffany to the best garage in Chadwell, Chadwell Motorcycles.
After a few hours, Tiff’s ready to come home. She has passed her M.O.T. And everything is working okay again.
On the way home, I put some petrol in her and paid to have her cleaned.

More Plants
Friday 22nd. The day before, I popped into Orchard Garden Centre on the way home from the mechanic. I was looking for something to cheer the missus up. But I couldn’t find anything. So I ended up getting home and showing the wife what I saw. When I walked through the centre I was wearing my helmet, with my helmet cam recording. So she saw everything I saw.
So because of that footage, she decided we were going back. But this time in Buddi.
We spent about half an hour looking around the centre. Inside and out. Most of the plants were for the outside, this wasn’t what we wanted. She needed some new soil, she also bought a new trough and tray. Entering the shop building, we found the indoor plants. And the wife bought a few.

My dash cam arrived today. I was hoping to be able to get some help with installing it. Everyone was charging large sums of money, but I thought I would ask Halfords again to see if they could help. Apparently not. I have to purchase one of their dash cams or they aren’t interested. Even though their website states I could have my own installed.
And don’t get me started on their website.
So, the next step will be using YouTube videos to help me install it myself. Most of it seems reasonably easy. But it’s the taking the fuses out, that I am unsure about. The more I watch, the less intimidated I feel. I will need a couple of tools to help. But I should be able to do it.
Anyway, we ended the day with some extra large crumpets. I found them in the reduced-to-clear section, at the supermarket. And I then bought myself a massive birthday cake.

Happy Birthday
Saturday 23rd. It’s my birthday. I don’t feel like it. I don’t know the reason behind it but I am depressed. The wife feels the same but for other reasons. But I want to go out and visit a couple of places that I haven’t been to before. So around 10ish, we headed out. First stop: The Southbank Book Market.
As it was my birthday, the wife offered to buy any books I wanted for the day.

I didn’t drive as I didn’t want to deal with London traffic. So we bus and train it to Waterloo Station.

Once we were there we popped into the BFI to use their toilets and headed to the market. There were three long tables filled with books. And after a long look at what was available. The wife managed to find a 76-year-old book. I did find some interesting books. However, I didn’t find anything I wanted to buy.
It was fairly windy down by the Thames, that I nearly lost my hat a few times. And so, I resorted to holding it, until the winds calmed down.

On to the next…
We Headed back towards the station. We decided to get something to eat. This was when I was approached, by a professional beggar. I knew what he was as he went through his story of mental health being Bipolar. I knew it was all bull. The mood I was in I didn’t care what was going on. I was impressed that he had the gull to beg for money like this. So in the end I gave him some money and we headed to Maccy D’s.
I couldn’t even pick myself up with a burger. And still, I didn’t know why I was feeling this depressed. I looked out and continued to watch the beggar do his thing. We made our way back towards our next train. And as I was waiting for the missus to catch up. The beggar saw me and realised I knew what he was doing and all I did was stare. But still, I didn’t care. He gave me a thumbs-up and thanked me. Amazingly his monotone, sickly voice had disappeared.
It turns out the wife had dobbed him in. Despite this, the station staff couldn’t do anything until he went into a certain area of the station. A bit weird but okay.
No Harry Potter
With that all behind us, it was a couple of trains to head towards Kings Cross Station. We popped into the toilets before moving on to the next place. We walked past the Harry Potter display. This is where you can have a picture taken. Next to a trolley and suitcases halfway through the wall. It was recreating the trip to platform 9 3/4. The shop that is next door had been closed off for renovations.
We left the station. We headed towards the canal for our next stop: The Word on the Water.
Word on the Water is a Canal Boat and is also a bookshop. The books are inside and outside the boat. The boat also has live music, though not today. This place has serious hippy vibes. I don’t mind that, but even for me, it was a little too much. Apart from that if you like to sway as you search for your next book this might be the place for you. Although, due to the size of the place there aren’t a lot of books on sale. But they try their best to cram as much as possible into the space they have.

I did manage to find a book here to buy. It seems I have a thing for Japanese-translated material at the moment. I hope it’s good. I am adding this to the to-be-read pile.

Leaving the canal and headed back to the station. One final stop. This wasn’t on the list of shops to visit. But the wife insisted. So, the next stop is Piccadilly Circus.
Train Station Problems
Do you have a problem with escalators? You should know that Picadilly Station has no staircases or lifts. We had to get help from the train staff to stop an escalator or two. So we could exit the station. This is due to the wife having a phobia of them.
The staff were brilliant and we were on our way.

187 Picadilly Circus
Hatchards is said to be the oldest bookshop in London. Today it’s owned by Waterstones. If you go further up the road towards, Picadilly Circus station you will find a six-storey Waterstones. I don’t know why there are two bookshops by the same company on the same road. Things Happen that’s all I know, even if it doesn’t make sense. But who cares?

Hatchards is a multi-level bookshop, with different subjects on each level. Also, the shop has the royal seal and is also the shop that supplies the royal family with their book needs. Well, the King anyway. Which is, I think, cool-ish.

This shop is impressive. We started at the top and rested for a few minutes in the armchairs provided. We were tired but we weren’t giving up yet. I was aching after a long day of walking and my hip was getting worse. So the rest helped.

As we made our way around the many levels. We ended up in the children’s section and the wife found this book. A double story book featuring both of Lewis Carroll’s Wonderland stories. There are many versions of the books available. But this was the one the wife loved the most.

After looking around a little while we headed to the tills and purchased our books.

I had chosen another book but it was damaged, so I left it.
We were knackered. But we still had to get home. So I chose the quickest way possible on London transport. But it was still nearly seven when we walked through the door.
Unpacking we relaxed. I read my book and the wife watched her shows. Then later we had some birthday cake.
We were planning on going out tomorrow again. But I, and the wife, were in no condition to go anywhere. So I informed my brother and then continued to rest.
Still, one more week left of our holiday. There are still things that are going to happen. See you in part 3.