My Life That Happened In… #12
Episode #11
…September 2024
Monday 2nd
I bought myself a box set from my favourite Poirot. David Suchet. I recently read Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie and then watched the Kenneth Branagh movie version. There are several deviations from the book to the 2017 film. Never mind, I am still waiting for another box set to arrive.

For some reason, Facebook has stopped my latest blog post from being available because the algorithm thinks I might be a scammer. I have placed it on review and will see what happens next.
Wednesday 4th
My second parcel arrived—the complete DVD box set of Jeremy Brett’s Sherlock Holmes. I have been wanting to buy this for a few years. And now I finally have it. The wife is chuffed as well.

Friday 6th
Hang on! Where is it? My laptop was supposed to arrive today. It’s a no-show. I believe the term is “sad face”!
Tuesday 10th
Although it was on the 8th, in my mind, I don’t include the induction days. So today is officially the end of my probation and they can not sack me if they just feel like it. I think I have proved myself as they have allowed me to go on a course to become a First Aider, later this month.
Wednesday 11th
My new desktop has arrived. It is tiny. Opening it up I had a look inside. I found a place to install my hard drives from my old desktop. I have had to buy a new bracket/ cage to install them. But it should go well. I have also informed David from DH Computing so when I have everything. He can come around and install Windows 11.

The other side of this is my new laptop is nowhere to be seen. This has made me a little depressed but I am feeling tired today so that doesn’t help. It turns out that Laptops Direct customer service is lacking. They sent me an email, today stating they will call me and update the delivery progress at a certain time.
Shock! Horror! They didn’t. So I called them and said they would call me back. So again, I waited. They did call, in the end, stating they would call back tomorrow because they were having trouble contacting the delivery people.
You know when someone is talking to you but all you can hear is a spin of the truth. Whoever called me, didn’t know, what was going on. And felt they had to say something. So they could feel like they had done something.
Ebuyer on the other side: Gave me a delivery date and emailed me to confirm the payment again, as it went over a certain amount of time and I still had it at my front door two days earlier than promised. Good job!
Thursday 12th
Laptops Direct called again. Turns out they are having issues with stock. The lady I spoke to had a bad attitude. She didn’t care about what she was saying while reading a card. She tried to offer me an “upgrade”, but it turned out after refusing that it was a downgrade. I believe: she thought, that if she said things very quickly, I would say yes. I told her, ‘You just saying words and numbers doesn’t tell me anything.’ So I tried to bring the website up but decided to wait a bit longer.
So now I will have to wait another week.
Also, I am an idiot. I ordered some SATA cables for the new desktop, not realising that they supplied them in the box, that came with the computer. So I will have to return them to Amazon.
And it turns out they will not accept them for return. Nice!
When the item arrived I tried again. Amazon gave me a refund and told me to keep the cables. Okay. So I have extra SATA cables I don’t need. Nice! Not complaining just stating a fact.
Saturday 14th
The wife had pre-ordered a book for me for my birthday. But it didn’t come out until today and it arrived. The missus couldn’t decide whether to save it for Christmas so she gave it to me when she came home from work. This is what I got:

This is from a series I started reading a little while ago. This is the fifth book in the series.
Sunday 15th
I went to start uploading my latest video and I found this:
This is amazing. Next stop a thousand!
Tuesday 17th
After a few days of messing about, Amazon delivered my bracket so I could install the hard drives into the new PC. Laptops Direct are still trying to work out what is going on. They said they would contact me with an update as soon as they know what is going on.
Wednesday 18th
Laptop Direct has called again, and it looks like, I will have to wait nearly another week for my laptop. So that’s nice! I remember when it was going to be delivered on the 6th. Good times!
Later in the day, I visited the Dentist to have my Somnowell guard looked at. There wasn’t anything wrong with the device. It was to give some feedback on how I was getting used to the new device and to see if it needed to be altered. I wasn’t having any problems and it was decided; to meet up again in a few months.
This time I didn’t end up with a parking ticket.
Sunday 22nd
I finally made up my mind. I bought another car. The driving anxiety I got when using the gears in Pumpkin, I don’t know if it’s me or the car but I had had enough and chose something I have been after for a while.
This decision was influenced, by my late father-in-law. Even though I am not a big fan of travelling I wanted something I could use for camping in the future. Something that could be converted. For when we just wanted to get away for the night. So I found something I liked the look of but it had to be an automatic. Although, this car is a semi-auto.
The car, I chose I bought from eBay. I know I shouldn’t buy without seeing first. But the main problem with the car I wanted was that they were scattered, all over the country.
The car I chose came from Manchester. And I paid a little extra, for it to be delivered.
All I had to do now was wait. And also purchase some insurance.
Monday 23rd
Today is the first day of my First Aid training. I had been a First Aider, from my previous job for nearly eighteen years. But I had to do a redo for my new job.
The person I bought my car from; was unable to arrange delivery for today, hopefully tomorrow.
Tuesday 24th
I am starting to get tired from the long days of training. There is a lot of information swirling around the old cogs of my brain. I am more used to the physical side of work.
The car was sent out late and the delivery driver is tired and won’t be able to deliver today. Tomorrow morning it is.
I also spent an hour setting up Pumpkin on a sell my car app to find out that because of one thing on the dashboard, they won’t accept Pumpkin. So I had to go with I know I won’t get a lot but she has to go.
Wednesday 25th
The final day of my course. I had just parked up at work when the delivery driver arrived with the car so I had to rush home and guide him into the car park.
Let me introduce you to my new/ old car. A 2011 Citroen Nemo Mulitspace. I will have to spend the next few days educating myself on how she works.

Luckily I don’t live that far. I was able to get back to work in time for a cuppa before it started.
I had to leave in the middle of an induction. As the inductor was late and we had gone over time I had to leave to get to my appointment. Webuyanycar didn’t take long to decide on a price when he heard knocking, coming from the engine. So I got a lot less than originally suggested.
After that, I walked to Lakeside shopping centre to tell the missus what happened. I also needed to buy a few things and I ended up at Waterstones and spent some money on a few books. Did you know books can be expensive? Who knew? I even bought a book for the wife. Have a look.

On the bus ride home we saw Pumpkin still parked by the booth.
Thursday 26th
I noticed something odd when going to work but it was confirmed when returning home and coming back out to collect the wife as she wasn’t feeling well.
Some motherfucker stole my hubcaps. It’s not the biggest deal in the world, but really? Who steals hubcaps in this day and age? I made an online report with the police. So I haven’t received any news or confirmation from them.
I am also an idiot for not concentrating when parking. I reversed in the back of the bicycle shed. Of course, the shed wasn’t damaged but the passenger side light lens has a crack and needs to be replaced. Good thing they are cheap on eBay.
I also need to buy a few things to fix and upgrade to make the car my own. The steel wheels: I have plans.
Saturday 28th
I sent another message to Laptops Direct. This time stating I want to make an official complaint. I also thought screw it and left a review on Trustpilot review.
This is what I wrote:

So far I have had no response.
Today we are going shopping. We don’t want to, but we need to. It was a long day. Starting at IKEA, I bought a couple of hats and the wife bought, well I bought, some more plants and she also helped a novice out. She even told her about her Plant Mum page on Facebook, in case she needed any advice. The missus isn’t an expert but her knowledge is gaining, and her enthusiasm is never-ending.

We found the front door mat I told the wife about a while ago. She seemed to like it. So naturally it is now safely at our front door.

Popping over to Tescos we met up with my sister and nephew waiting for a cab, and had a quick catch-up. When we did manage to get into Tesco I spotted a shopping bag with my favourite cat by Jim Davis; so I added it to the trolley.

It was a very long day and after visiting a few more shops, we managed to make it home, to rest.
Monday 30th
So I made a call and updated my Trustpilot Review:

So now I am going to the same place I bought my desktop from as they seem to be the only other company: that has the laptop I was going to buy. But then I saw it was about £50 cheaper on another website called Mesh Computers.
But then, I saw the status on Laptops Direct, and now I am confused. For now, I am holding off buying the laptop.
I’ve had enough. I’m going to bed.
Thank you for taking time out of your day to visit. See ya next time!