Little Bee

Little Bee

‘Are you okay, Little Bee?’ The ladybird asked.
‘No’, said the Little Bee.
‘Why?’ asked the ladybird.
‘I was collecting honey from that flower. I was taking a rest, and i fell.’ Said Little Bee.
‘Can you still fly?’ Asked the ladybird.
‘No. I have hurt my wing,’ said little bee.
‘Then i will sit here with you, until you feel able to fly.’ The ladybird said.
‘What if shall never fly again?’ Little Bee asked.
The ladybird looked up at the flower, and sighed. ‘What if i carried you on my back?’ The ladybird said. Little bee tried his hardest to climb upon the ladybirds back, but her shell was to shiny. Just then a friendly caterpillar came by. ‘What on earth are you doing?’ The caterpillar asked little bee and the ladybird.
‘I fell off my flower, and hurt my wing. Ladybird was trying to help me.’ Little Bee explained.
‘What if i carry you on my back, up to the flower?’ Said the caterpillar. So Little Bee climbed on the caterpillars back, and the caterpillar began climbing up the flower stem.
The rough fur on the caterpillars back made  little bee sneeze, and he off. Falling back towards the ground.
‘Oh no!’ the ladybird gasped. Then little bee began to flutter his wings, and instead of falling. He landed safely back down onto the grass.
‘You can fly again.’ The ladybird said.
‘My wing feels a lot better.’ Said Little Bee.
‘Good.’ Said the ladybird.
‘Take more care in future.’ Said the caterpillar. As he made his way back down the stem of the flower.
‘I think I will go back to making my honey now.’ Little Bee said. ‘Thank you both for your help.’

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